Chapter 44

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*3rd Person POV*

~Several Months Later~

Foot step loudly enter the hallway. Heavy with anticipation.  The adrenaline rushing through his body. Taking a big breathe before opening the door. Where he met his brother facing a mirror dressed in a tux.

"You ready?" Donald asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

White light surrounds the Davenport brothers, before the big day we must start from the beginning.

~ several months  earlier~




White was suppose to be what a bride was when  getting married.  MAD worried about the wedding day since they planned it. She was afraid she wasn't white; innocent and pure.

"Hey MAD" Daisy said to An Old Friend

"Hey Days." MAD said.

As Daisy comes across the command center in the Common Area she spots wedding dress catalogs. "You haven't gotta dress yet? The wedding's gonna be here in day." Daisy said.

"The weddings not for several months. It's just none of these are me. "

"Well it is your wedding you could go in jeans if you want." Daisy said as Madison shot her a look.

"Okay well later today us,Bree, and Skylar  can go look at wedding dresses." I nodded happily in agreement.


"Come on!" Bree said dragging Me into the store.

"Can't we just go out to eat. Or literally anywhere else but here." I grumbled.

"No, we have to pick out a dress." Skylar said.

"These are beautiful." Daisy said combing through the wedding dresses.

"Hello, Can I help you find something?"  A young girl who worked there said. 

"No, we were just leaving." I said headed toward the door before Daisy grabbed me and pulled me back. "She needs a wedding dress." She said. The young girl looked me up and down "Let me check the back."
She said nastily.

"Fucking bitch." I muttered under my breath. Daisy nudge me as way to say 'watch your language'. "What?! She started it. "

She went to the back and much later her and the manager, I can see them talking in the corner. The manager soon comes over. "Can I help you?" He asked.  As Daisy says the same thing she said to the other girl.  "Ma'am these dresses are very expensive, these might be more than you can afford. There is another store down the street." He said with a straight face.

I look at Daisy  "Who the fuck is he talking to?" I said. Everyone mouth dropped except for Daisy she just face palmed. " I have billions of dollars in my name. I think I know what I can and can't fucking afford."

"I apologize ma'am-"

"I don't give a fuck if you're sorry I will-" Daisy cut me off. "We're leaving." She said pulling me out the store. "You can't just punch your problems away."

"The hell I can't." I said. "Wait you have billions of dollars in your name how?" Bree asked. "I got all of Douglas's shit after the divorce. I also have a third of Davenport Industries. What'd you think I was broke?" "Kinda, I mean you live at the academy so yeah." Skylar said. "Yeah because you guys are there, and I kinda work there."

"We need to go back to focusing on buying a wedding dress." Daisy said. "The weddings not for months. Can we just go get lunch." I said. "Ugh fine lets go then we're going back to finding a dress." Days said.

*Douglas's POV*

MAD is out with the girls looking at wedding dresses so this is perfect time to look at houses. I found it. I can't believe I found it. I found our old house our house before the divorce. It was for sale and I'm meeting the landlord today to buy it.

I'm sitting on the command console in the common area

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I'm sitting on the command console in the common area. Thinking. Is she gonna be angry because I didn't ask her. I mean it's her house, I designed it especially for her. "Get you ass off my million dollar command console." Donnie said startling me while hitting me with papers he had in his hand. "All right all right damn I'm off." I said.

"Well when you have a million dollar console you can sit on it." He said

"Well when you have a million dollar console you can sit on it." I said back mockingly.

"Really you're gonna mock me what are you a Child." We soon start to bicker. We don't even notice the little girl walk in until she screams "Hey!" We both look over to see this 10 year old child with beautiful blonde hair and a backpack on her back.

Donald walks over to her and squats down to her height. "Hey your not suppose to be in here. Who are you and where are your parents?"

"I'm looking for Madison Connors?" She said. "She not here right now I-." She cut Donnie off. "What about Douglas Davenport do you know him?" "I'm Douglas." I said. She the says words I'll never forget.

"Hi I'm Allison I'm your daughter."

Hey I'm back I know its been forever but wow I updated I don't know if anyone's still reading this but let me know.

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