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"Kellin and I shouldn't stay for too long today, we've gotta visit my sister," Adam commented.

Kellin rolled his eyes, my mom nodding and smiling, "Go on, boys!"

I looked down, making my way in the direction of the kitchen before turning right rather than left, mumbling, "My room's on this floor, this way."

On the second floor was my moms room, two bathrooms and a guest room, along with a big room we used for storage. The guest room used to be mine until my mom decided it would be more convenient to have mine and Mike's rooms close to each other.

I wondered if Kellin and Adam would come to live with us in our big house or if we'd move in with them.

As soon as we reached my room, I allowed hin to pass into it before I shut and locked the door behind us. Nothing was more annoying than when my mom or Mike snuck up on me or spied on me so I made sure to always lock the door.

"So," Kellin shrugged, sitting on the end of my bed, bouncing slightly.

"So..." I mumbled, my eyes meeting his big blue ones for the first time. Wow, they were big- and not just blue, they were quite green, too, a small, curious twinkle in them.

"I'm Kellin and you're Vic," he pointed out sassily when I didn't start a conversation, causing me to realise I hadn't even introduced myself. Though, it didn't really appear as if I needed to.


"I'm nineteen, doing extra online schooling, Taurus, gay, and live with my dad. Our parents have been seeing each other for about a year now and they're getting married, which is going to make us stepbrothers."

I nodded, "Right... Stepbrothers. Uh... I've just turned eighteen, still in school, Aquarius, gay also, and live with my mom. I had no idea our parents were serious."

His lips twitched into a smirk, as if he were contemplating fighting it off, and I felt my body heat up. Luckily I wasn't really one to blush though so the only give away would be if I started fidgeting.

"Must be a shocker to you then, huh."

"Yeah," I nodded. I noticed how far away I was standing from the boy sat on my bed and walked over, him seeing and quickly moving up so that I could sit next to him. I wasn't expecting it because he seemed like the type to be too cool to move up but he did, patting the bed.

I mustered up the confidence to plop beside him, feeling like a minor beside the tall, skinny nineteen year old. His thick, dark hair had fallen from behind his ear and was now in his face, his fringe curling round slightly at his cheek.

"Gay, huh?" Kellin spoke up, "Funny. You don't really seem like the gay type."

"Gay is a type?"

He pursed his lips, thinking before nodding, "You're right. Nothing defines your sexual orientation except your preferences."

I nodded in agreement, happy that I'd managed to change his opinion on what he said.

"I haven't... I haven't actually had a boyfriend before though."

"Then how'd you know you're gay?" He questioned, that curious glint reappearing in his eyes. I gulped, blinking multiple times as I looked up at him.

"Because I like boys."

He nodded like it was no big deal, "Fair enough. I wasn't implying that you're wrong or anything, dude chill."

I nodded, breathing out and letting my shoulders un-tense. My posture remained straight though seeing as I felt I needed to match his height, even if I was still much shorter than him, especially sitting down.

"That's cool though... that you're gay. Does your mom know?"

I nodded, thinking about it. Ever since I had told my mom, she had made such a big deal about it. She was very proud of me for coming out and was always trying to encourage me to ask boys out. When I say always, I mean always. I tend to keep to myself about attractions and interests so I got a little embarrassed when my mom would point out boys while in the car and ask if I thought they were cute.

"Does your dad know about you?"

"Yeah..." Kellin said, though his tone was uneven. I raised an eyebrow and he shrugged, "I'm just unsure of how my dad would feel about it if I was all feminine and shit. I think he accepts it because he knows I'm still the fucking man, whatever that means."

I nodded and he smirked.

My heart quickened at the sight of this and I looked away, blinking repeatedly and my fingers twitching.

"You know, Vic, you don't have to be so nervous around me. Just chill out. Let's talk about boys some more," Kellin's care free tone did little to calm my nerves. If anything, the thought of him wanting to talk about my love life made me more nervous than anything. I wasn't ashamed of it, I just never got a chance to talk to anyone about think kinda thing so it was weird.

"Sure, dude," I half smiled. His arms were outstretched down to the bed, still sitting up as he had all his weight on them. His legs were crossed as he looked over at me, thinking of a question.

"Have you ever even kissed a boy before?" He asked and I sighed, shaking my head.

That was when I actually started blushing, the heat creeping up on my face becoming too much to hide.

"Want me to teach you?" He asked and I looked up at him, my eyes meeting his suggestive, calm ones. I gulped, breathing heavily.


I didn't know what to say. Wouldn't it be weird? I mean, I know he's hot but he's practically my brother now. Besides, I had only just met him and was afraid I'd be bad. In all honesty, I was caught off guard; I was in shock.

"What?" I finally managed out and he laughed, his cheeks a healthy pink.

"Want your big stepbrother to teach you how to kiss good?"

I couldn't even manage to stutter out a response so I stood up, though I remained paralysed. He slowly did the same, suddenly towering over me, long lashes framing his tempting eyes as he slid his fingers under my chin, tilting my head up so that I was looking him in the eyes.

"Like the sound of that?" He asked quietly, voice hoarse from where he was speaking lower than usual, causing me to blush even more.

I took on look at his lustful features before he took matters into his own hands, sliding his spare arm around my waist and pulling me into a deep, slow kiss. I was in a daze, unaware of what to do.

"Kiss me back," he requested and I put my hands on his chest, though I didn't push him away.

He continued to kiss me and I began to kiss back, feeling excitement all throughout my body. His hand slowly slid down until it was firmly but gently grasping my ass, keeping me in place while the physical contact caused a wave of heat to move all over me.

"Boys, time for Kellin to leave!" We heard being called from downstairs.

Kellin gently bit my lip before pulling away, eyes heavy with want.

"See you soon, Vic," he smirked before unlocking my door and heading out, leaving me in a state of utter confusion.

♡ ♢ ♡ ♢

I don't know why I'm so turned on by this but I am. Oh well. I'll probably update again tonight lmao okay

(It's supposed to be fast ok)

Please vote and comment because I'm a thirty whore oops

I love you guys ♡

- Ace ✌


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