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I sat at the table, picking at all the food on my plate. The car ride home with Kellin was interesting, even of he didn't really talk to me. It was my fault he was in worse of a mood, meaning I didn't even try to stop him when he left for work early today.

He worked at some bar, from six in the evening until like two in the morning. Crazy but I guess that's fitting seeing as his lazy ass sleeps in until, like, noon- at least that's what I've heard from Adam.

Speaking of, Adam was sat next to me at the table for once, my mom opposite us.

"That's what I said!" He laughed loudly, his bright teeth showing from how wide his smile was. His dimples were carved into his cheeks, his laugh quite hearty and deep.

My mom smiled, laughing a little, "Good, he deserved it."

I sighed, resting my chin on my hand, elbow on the table next to my food. Starting to contemplate how they'd react if I asked them if I could go out to a bar or club tomorrow night, I decided I'd just lie to them. I didn't want to but because of how often Mike goes out and stuff, I knew my mom wouldn't want me to.

"Hey, Vic, honey, we're going to check out a place for the wedding tomorrow night. We wanna see where we can have the dinner," my mom said as if God wanted me to go to the party. Thank you, God.

How convenient.

"Oh, okay. I'll probably just stay in my room the whole evening anyway, Mike, Jaime, Tony, Alex and that are going to some place without me."

"Oh," she frowned, "What kind of place?"

"Like a bar or something," I shrugged and she nodded. She looked as though she were contemplating something but smiled.

"Okay, don't stay up too late," I knew she didn't care how long I was up for, she just changed her mind about something. Was she deciding whether or not I'd be a lowed to go?

No, this bae was known to have its share of drama in. I'm talking fights, drunks fucking everyone and more fights.

I sighed, "I'm sure staying in my room all evening will be fun."

My mom ignored me though, turning to Adam, "Kellin's working tomorrow right?"

"Yes," Adam confirmed, ticking in his chair a bit more and giving my mom his full attention.

"It's a shame," she sighed, "You two could have hung out or something. Got to know each other a little better."

I felt my cheeks heat a bit but I knew it wasn't enough for me to blush.

"I don't know..." Adam says unsure, "Kellin... he- he doesn't really like talking to family. He ignores me as much as he can, as you already know, along with everyone else in the family. Not that I don't think Vic's a lovely boy- because you are, really nice- I just think that Kellin wanted to see what you're like before we become a family."

"Oh yeah?" My mom smiled curiously, causing Adam to nod.

"Unfortunately he's always been like this. Very closed up. He's rebellious too- always goes out with his friends and smokes all the time. Of course, he's old enough to, but it's a horrible habit. The way he acts though..."

I raised an eyebrow.

"I think it's because of his Bipolar. I mean, he's on all his medication but after finding out he had it and all of what happened when he was in school, he flipped and closed up even more, wanting to get back at everyone."

"Such a shame," my mother sighed and I was stuck in my seat. Kellin was Bipolar? I would have never been able to tell.

"Doesn't mean though," Adam said in a slightly irritated voice, though it was still smooth and full as it usually was, "that he should go out and have sex nearly every day of the week."

"He does?" My mother asked, nearly as shocked as I was.

Adam sighed, "Unfortunately, yes."

"How do you know?" I asked, trying to hide how I felt about that.

"Trust me, I know," he says, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "I just... I don't like the idea of it at all. I have absolutely no control over my own son and he decides he's gonna spend his time doing any guy he meets in that bar."

I nodded in agreement and bit the insides of my cheeks. Kellin goes out to fuck random people. I mentally scoffed, good for him; the little fucking shit.

"Well... I'm sure he's being safe. Protection against STD's and stuff that is," my mother tried, taking ahold of Adam's hand. He held it back almost instantly, running his thumb over it.

"I guess so. I just worry that one day he'll get into a situation none of us want him to be in and I won't have been able to stop him."

"At least he's not in some gang," mom joked and Adam laughed.

"Yeah, at least there's that. Though, those friends of him may as well be in a gang with all the leather and sunglasses they wear."

My mom smiled, "Do you know why Kellin goes out and does that kind of stuff?"

"At first I thought it was to rebel. I'm very confused about it all. Anyways, he had this one off session with his therapist that he used to see when he was younger because he was going through a lot. You know, us getting engaged and all. He wouldn't tell me what he told her but she said he wasn't a sex addict or anything but there is more to it than just... sex. She also said he didn't like the idea of us getting married and that he didn't know you very well."

Adam directed the end towards my mom and I just sat in silence as I listened. I was so new to all of this information, it just went to show how little I really did know about Kellin.

However, it was Adam I needed to find out more on.

♡ ♢ ♡ ♢

I know this is a lot shorter than the last one but oh well this was more of a filler haha

I'll update again tomorrow (hopefully)

Love you guys!

- Ace ✌




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