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It was Friday again. I swear, time seemed to be going by so fast and the wedding was growing nearer and nearer. There was still a few months left, it's just... It's only been about two weeks since I found out about this and yet it felt like it had been a few days.

"Eat up, Vic!" Adam laughed and I smiled, eating some of my dinner.

We had ordered Chinese food, which my mom had practically begged us for, but I really wasn't that hungry. I didn't want to be rude as Adam was actually growing on me so I decided against telling him to stick it where the sun don't shine, but that didn't change the fact that I physically couldn't bring myself to eat much due to how full I felt.

I soon placed my fork back in my half full bowl of food, leaving it on my lap as I looked over at the others. Today, we were actually eating in the living room. Everyone except Kellin that is. Yes, Mike was here for once.

Apparently going shopping with Danielle and Erin was very important to Alysha as she was going to a wedding at the weekend, leaving Mike without his favourite girl in the whole world.

To be honest, he could have just gone clubbing, with fake ID's of course, with Alex, Jaime and Tony or something but I didn't mention that to him. I think deep down, he wanted to be here with me and mom.

"Hey... has Kellin got any dinner?" I spoke up out of curiosity, a thought crossing my mind.

"No, I called him down but he made a grunting noise and that was the last I heard from him. He hasn't come down yet."

I hadn't seen Kellin all day actually. Of course, Mike and I had school earlier on, but we had began to move in as soon as we left. There were still boxes everywhere and there was much to be done but the basics were in place, meaning I had my own room now.

As it was around eleven o'clock at night now, I was curious to see if Kellin was still awake, though he most likely was. Would he care if I came up to see him? I could stop by to my room on the way back down seeing as we were roomed on the same corridor but surely he'd be suspicious.

"Um, do you want me to take him up a plate of food or something?"

"Great thinking, Vic. If you wouldn't mind?" Adam smiled, his slightly raised eyebrows showing he wanted to know if doing so would bother me. Obviously it wouldn't so I shook my head and smiled.

"Of course not."

"Awe," my mom gushed, "You've always been such a nice boy, Vic. Times like this make me so proud to be your mom."

I rolled my eyes, taking the plate of food that Adam had put together for Kellin and walking away, "Yeah yeah."

It wasn't long before I was heading up the stairs, turning left and being faced with the hallway where mine, Mike's and Kellin's rooms were situated. Apparently Kellin's idea of pushing away family involved wanting the room as far away from his father's as possible, so us moving in to the spare rooms between the two didn't seem to get in his way.

I made sure not to drop the food as I continued walking, nearing his door and pausing. I cleared my throat quietly and lightly knocked.

"What do you want?" I heard deeply from within the room and sighed, my anxiousness returning. As I'm sure I've explained many times, I'm a very confident person... except for when it came to facing Kellin.

"I... I brought you up some food... thought you might be hungry..." I mumbled, though loud enough so he could hear me.

I waited in anticipation as I heard floorboards creaking slightly from behind the door, before it opened up and revealed a very shirtless Kellin Quinn.

He immediately looked down at the plate, his string hands taking it from my grasp as pulling open the door more, but only so that he'd be able to turn round and go back inside.

"Why did you bring me this?" He asked and my stomach did flip flops. I had forgotten how nice his voice actually sounded and how his lips moved a certain way when he spoke. The sight of him got me all excited.

"B-Because... I don't know, I already told you. I thought you'd be hungry because you didn't come down for dinner."

"I very rarely eat downstairs. In fact, I very rarely interact with family at all, including those I live with," he told me, looking down at me while his back pressed against the door.

"Oh," was all I managed to say, looking away.

Maybe what he had told me the other day was the truth. He said I'd be the one left wishing I could kiss him and shit? That I'd regret saying no? Though I knew my reasons for saying we couldn't be together in anyway were valid and it was the sensible thing to do, I couldn't help the feeling within my chest that was nagging me to just step forwards and smash my lips into his.

I heard him clear his throat slightly, "I have extra schoolwork to do so I'm busy now, don't bother me again this evening, bro."

I looked up at him, seeing how hidden his expressions were. I couldn't read his emotions and right now, that was what I needed. At least a sign to say that he hadn't managed to just completely cut off any thought he had had about me in a... I don't know, romantic or sexual way.

Either it was true or he was a very good actor.

I was taking a while to answer so he turned back to look at his TV for a second. Not missing the opportunity, my eyes immediately fell to his naked chest. He had many more tattoos than I had thought he did. I felt as though I could fall to my knees just looking at him without a shirt on.

Man, the more I looked, the more I wanted to just apologise for everything I had said and just push him onto the bed, letting him anything he-

"Are you don't checking me out yet? That's not what brothers do you know," his tone was suggestively humorous, though there was something about it that let me know that he wasn't making jokes for my purpose.

"No, I was just looking at your tattoos," I tried to lie but in all honesty, I didn't know where my eyes were looking.

"Well, sweetie, there ain't no tattoos down there," he snapped sassily and my mouth fell open and I blushed.

Not being able to think of anything to say back, I quickly averted my eyes and looked up at him. He was already peering down at me with those greeny blue eyes of his, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Go away," he whispered, starting to close the door.

"I- okay... bye, Kellin."

He didn't reply though, closing the door and leaving me alone in the hallway.

Well at least he wasn't fully ignoring me...

♡ ♢ ♡ ♢

I don't know what this trash isssssss but oh well here is another update

I feel ill and it's half 12 am (nearly, kinda) so I'm sorry if this is bad or rushed or if there's any mistakes

Do you think this book is going too fast? Or if it's weird? Idk, I've planned it out a bit more now too so like I'll try to show change in character in a few of the people already here lol obvs

Ps ppl keep asking for a daddy kink lmao

Love you guys!

- Ace ✌


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