Twenty Two

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"Hey, Justin."


That's all I had thought about since the other day.

Hey, Justin.


Kellin's tone had changed completely as he said those simple words, leading me to grow very curious. There was just something in his voice and how he moved as he left the room that seemed off. Well, not off; serious.

I guess that was off for Kellin.

The thing that really concerned me, though, was that it was Justin. Justin and I kissed within half an hour of meeting- He and Kellin seemed fine as friends. Kellin didn't yell at Justin or anything when the whole incident happened, he had just said, "Bye, Justin," or something, and even though he had the same dead tone in his voice, he seemed to have no problem with him.

Why did he suddenly change when talking to Justin? Why did he feel it necessary to leave the room?

I hadn't really spoken to Kellin properly since that phonecall and I had to say, I was nervous.

As the family were going to be living here soon, I was moving in the stay with Kellin in his room for a while.

That was another thing- time seemed to be flying by. The wedding was coming up in a few weeks and still, we hadn't thought up of a way to stop it or got any information about it from our parents.

At this rate, it seemed like we wouldn't be able to do anything about it- but I'm sure Kellin had been thinking about it as much as I had. He seemed really pissed off about the whole thing.

I tucked my hair behind my ear as I walked through the hall, making my way towards Kellin's room. As I passed my own, I contemplated bringing my stuff but I thought it would be better to talk to Kellin first.

This weird paranoia had built up inside me and I was questioning whether Kellin even liked me still. Well, wanted to fuck me. I couldn't explain it properly.

I licked my lips and strode up to his door, raising my hand to knock but hesitating.

My fingers ended up lightly tapping against it, rather than knocking confidently as I usually would, and I waited. Biting my lip, I looked down quickly at what I was wearing; a pair of black skinny jeans accompanied by a plain white T-Shirt and purple-red flannel.

"Come in," I heard from inside, causing me to jump ever so slightly. I tried to remain calm, ignoring the weird anxiety rising.

My hand took ahold of the handle and I gently pushed open the door, not fully, and stood just inside, my soft eyes immediately falling on Kellin.

He was sat on his bed, close to the pillows, which were turned so that he was sitting upright above the covers. One of his legs were stretched out, the other bent to the side- the sole of his foot resting against his other leg. A laptop rested in his lap, which he was looking down at intently, his long black hair falling in front of his face and the glow of the screen making him appear somewhat angelic.

The lights were on and overall, his room looked far more comfortable than mine.

"Hey," he whispered, finally looking up from his laptop when he stopped typing after a moment.

"Hey," I mumbled back, the small butterflies returning to my stomach like they always did. He smiled, lowering the laptop screen a bit.

"How are you?" He asked, "How was your day?"

For the first time, Kellin seemed like just a friend. He usually asked me how I was but today his tone remained different and that did little to settle my nerves.

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