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"I-I'll be in my room all evening so..." I had mumbled to Kellin earlier on when he caught me in the kitchen. Thankfully, I was wearing a big hoodie over my clothes at the time so there was no way he could tell I was going to a party.

It's not like it mattered, he ignored me and walked out the room after I told him anyway.

"Hey, Vic, let me- get you a drink!" Our friend Oliver slurred slightly in his thick accent as he walked off, heading for the bar. I sat a table with Alysha, Mike, Danielle, Tony, Jaime, Alex and Jack, and to our left was a table with the rest of them on.

Oli was very drunk and it was very obvious, too.

We were all sat in the corner on purpose and thought that was the smart thing to do, seeing as we had come with fake ID'S of course. It was the smart think to do. However, when Oli fell flat on his face, one of the guys... Lee,I think it was, not having caught him on time, I realised that nothing was more suspicious than a big bunch of young looking folk in a bar, drinking unsensible amounts of alcohol.

It was quite loud in the bar, not one person who wasn't in our friendship group noticed Oli fall on the floor. Jaime helped him up quickly, Oli slurring a big thank you before sitting back down in his seat and looking back to me.

Seeing as I was at the end of our table, the side closest to the other table, and Oli was also on the end, we could talk to each other without having to shout.

"You'll -ave to- 'ave to get some yourself," he coughed and I nodded, smiling appreciatively.

"Thanks. What time is it?"

"I..." he looked at his phone before pulling a funny face and deciding to turn the screen towards me, "I can'- I can' read i'."

"You can't? Oh," I smiled reassuringly, "It's fine. It says it's one thirty seven."

I was not tired in the slightest. In fact, even though I was slightly drunk and I myself could barely read the time off of Oliver's phone, I was the most able of all of us. Even Danielle was tipsy as fuck.

I was being nice to Oli as I knew how he could get, especially when drunk. He was a nice guy and all but either he got pissed off when everyone treated him like shit- his friends do that all the time to wind him up- or he'd get emotional. It was funny at times but when you've seen someone in your friendship group crying in the bathroom at a party, wasted out if his mind and wishing to die, it becomes a serious topic.

Besides, Oliver was hot.

"Vics needs another drinks," Jaime piped up, messing up his speech. It wasn't uncommon for him to do this but you could definitely tell it was partially influenced by the alcohol in his system.

Danielle yawned, giggling, "I need to go."

"Want me to take you?" I offered and she laughed, shaking her head.

"No, Alex said he'll take me. Home."

"Okay, Dani," I said nervously, looking up at Lex. He sighed, not being as drunk as over one else but having still had more to drunk than me.

"Come on then," he rolled his eyes and a few others from the other table stood.

"We're gonna go to the karaoke!" They exclaimed and I facepalmed.

"Don't get caught underage!" I whisper shouted.

Seeing as there weren't many of us left at the tables, Jaime, Alysha and Mike all got up and sat on the other table with Oli and that. I followed but there was no space left to sit down so I decided I'd just go and sit at the bar.

Stepbrothers • KellicWhere stories live. Discover now