Blurb/Authors Note!

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"I remember a boy with golden eyes pushing me down and he smiled, hoping I'd cry. But I looked at him and smiled back."

* * *

You never expect to fall for the one person you shouldn't. Well...that's actually what happens all the time. You know you shouldn't, but it happens and your heart gets caught in tight ropes.

Dawson McKinnon and Olive "Liv" Roedan are best friends and have been for almost fifteen years. Dawson started his first year of college and Liv started her senior year. They're different, but somehow they're the same. They know each other without really knowing they know.

Alone, they both have a secret they hold tight inside without the other knowing. The way they feel about each other. The one thing they tried to dissolve before it was too late.

Together, they share one secret that they want to put behind them. One thing they can never get back. If brought up again, this secret could destroy a friendship. They made it this far and maybe, just maybe, they'll take another step together.


Hey guys! So after a lot of requests, here is the FINAL book in the charming series! Charming in Handcuffs is the first book, Charming and Awkward is the second, and Charming Hearts will be the last. This story is a spin-off and it's about the kids of the main characters from the first two books. I do recommend reading those two first, but you DO NOT have to in order to understand this book. I'll make sure if anything is mentioned from those books, to add detail so you'll get it.

This book is going to have a lot in it. Family will be the core of this book because a lot of people want to know about married life between them and all that lol. For those who have read the first two books, Juliet's, Jack's, James's, and Violet's families will be in it! There will also be romance of course. I'm giving this trope another go.

The first chapter will be up soon, so watch out for it! :)

Also, I know I said I was done with the whole high school thing, and I am, so that's why I made Dawson older. There will be new adult themes more than teen fiction. There will probably be use of strong language and minor sexual content. But who knows, I always change my mind lol. Just giving you a warning now because people feel uncomfortable.

Comment and let me know what you guys think of the blurb? I know it's not much, but I can't say much without giving the story away hahaha.

I hope you guys are excited!!! :)

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