Chapter 3: Believe Me, Your Ass Is Fine.

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Song: Haunting by Halsey


I walked into Jude's room early the next morning to wake him up for school. He was sprawled on his bed and he snored pretty damn loudly. I lifted my foot and managed to nudge him with it. He groaned in protest and swatted at me.

"I'll start singing Hey Jude if you don't get up," I taunted and nudged him again.

"Go away, Liv."

I sucked in a breath and started singing. "Hey Juuuude, don't make it baaad, take a sad SOOOOOONG—"

"Livy! I'm going to kick your ass." He started laughing, despite how much he actually hated it when I sang this song. He gets it a lot, so I think it's hilarious. "I'm awake you can leave now."

I left his room and walked downstairs. Mom was standing in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in one hand. They got back last night, but I was already in bed. "Hey, beautiful," she said with a smile. "The McKinnon's are coming over for dinner tonight so I'll be home earlier than your dad."

"Okay. Did he already leave?"

She nodded and put her mug in the sink. "His dad arrived this morning so he had to be there early. I'm getting ready to leave to meet him."

"Where's Grandma?"

"She went with your dad." She walked up to me and kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

As she left, she yelled up to Jude.

I busied myself and made a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. Just as I sat down, Jude came in the kitchen and did the same thing. Some of our habits really did scream twins. We had most of the same habits. Breakfast, reading, movies, and even TV shows. But I will admit Jude is smarter than me. We both make good grades, but he's a step above me. He's into all the school activities, like the school paper and he's on the swim team.

Then there's me. I have two friends inside of school, rarely out. I'd rather eat lunch outside than at a table full of people, and I'm not coordinated enough to join any sports. So I'm I don't know how to describe myself.

Jude and I are twins, we have twin habits, but we're also really different.

When I got to school, I was surprised to see Ezra standing by my locker.


I totally forgot to call him last night when I got home. But he smiled at me and I knew he wasn't mad. Ezra is part of my brother's friends, but he seemed different in a way. He's tall, has sandy blonde hair, and puppy brown eyes. Like I told Dawson, a boy like Ezra wouldn't have looked at me twice two years ago. "Hey," I said and started on my combination.

"Hi," he replied. "How are you this morning?"

I glanced at him and smiled. "Good. You?"

"Good too." He cleared his throat. "So, um, did...did you decide yet?"

"Uh, yeah." I collected my book and put it in my bag. After I closed my locker, I turned to Ezra and he straightened. "I'll go with you. It'll be fun."

He breathed and a smile curved his lips. He looked relieved. "Great, yeah, it'll be fun."

"It will be."

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