Chapter 10: Always Have, Always Will

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Song: Volcano by Emily Hearn

WARNING: This chapter has minor sexual content! If you're not comfortable, please don't read!


6 months before

"Look what I found." Liv grinned and wiggled a bottle of tequila in her hand.

I laughed. "Sure that's a good idea?"

"Probably not," she answered and sat beside me on her bed. "Want some?"

"Maybe. Have you had tequila before?"

Liv snorted. "No. I've only had beer and not much of it. Oh! And a little bit of champagne on New Year's, but that's it. I'm sure you've had your fair share."

"Not too much with tequila," I said and took the bottle from her hand. "I stick to cheap beer and a few vodka shots because I hate my liver."


I looked at the label and sucked air in through my teeth. "I think your parent's are going to notice an expensive bottle of Patrón missing. This bottle itself is probably sixty dollars."

Liv didn't look fazed and shrugged her shoulders. "They have three bottles. This one's almost empty anyway. We won't be doing any harm, Daws."

"When I told James and Vi I'd be keeping you out of trouble, I don't think they meant a bottle of tequila, Liv."

"I'm not leaving the house, it'll be fine. We're alone anyway. Jude won't be home until tomorrow, my parent's won't be home for a couple of days, so come on. Have fun with me."

A smile slowly broke onto my face. "Fine, but I hope you know you're going to have the worst hangover in the morning." I pulled the cork from the bottle and the scent of tequila was really strong. Just the smell intimidated me. "You first." I handed her the bottle back and she took it timidly.

She smelled it and then slowly tipped it back against her lips. I knew the moment she tasted it because her face scrunched up. A laugh burst out before I could stop it and Liv did not look amused. "Not so good, is it?"

Liv shook her head quickly and handed me the bottle. "It feels like I just swallowed a ball of fire."

I started laughing again. "Oh, come on. It's not that bad. Have you had Goldschläger? Now that shit burns. Even I had to chase it with something."

"Is that the one with the pretty gold flakes in it?"

I nodded and took a small swig of the tequila. It burned on it's way down, scorching my taste buds and making my chest feel a slight warmth. Bitter as hell. "It's pretty good, but only for a couple of shots."

Liv took the bottle again and took a small drink, her face only scrunching up slightly. "I've never been drunk before. Maybe a buzz, but not drunk."

"Is that your goal?"

"Maybe," she responded and took another drink before handing it to me. "If I'm going to get drunk, I want to do it with you. First time for everything."

"That makes sense." I took a longer drink and the warmth spread.

"When was the first time you got drunk?" She asked and took the bottle.

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