Chapter 4: Travel The World With You

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Song: Easier To Run by Linkin Park (I know I just used this on another story, but it fits with this chapter pretty well lol)


"What about this one?" Liv asked, holding up another dress. It was red, fluffy, and short. One, it wasn't her color, and two, definitely not her style.

I shook my head. "What about the blue one you tried on first?"

She wrinkled her nose. "I didn't like that one."

Everything from the night before never happened. Neither one of us brought it up, even though the events were sitting in the back of my mind. She was so close to me and at one point I thought she was going to kiss me. It's horrible to say, but I'm glad she didn't. If she would've, I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from kissing her back. She doesn't need to know that. She doesn't need to know how I feel. It's better for both of us.

Would it even work? I don't know and I'm too hell-bent on keeping her as my friend because I couldn't risk losing her. "What about..." I turned in a circle until I spotted something else in the small boutique. It was a white dress and I plucked it from the rack. "This one?"

She pursed her lips, studying it, and then grabbed it. "Let me see."

We walked back to the dressing rooms again and I sat down while she disappeared behind the curtain. I stretched my legs out in front of me and went to grab my phone, but Liv's voice stopped me. "What?" I asked.

"I need help, can you come here?"

"Uh, yeah," I answered nervously and got up. Timidly, I pushed back the curtain and stepped in. Liv was struggling with the zipper. "Is it stuck?"

She sighed. "I think so, or I just suck at unzipping dresses."

I held in my laugh and worked on the zipper. It was caught on the fabric, but I managed to undo it without ruining the dress. When it was down, Liv let the dress pool at her feet and my hand flew to my eyes. "A little warning next time."

Liv giggled a little. "You've seen me in a bikini, Daws. This is fine. I used to run around in my underwear around you."

"You were three, Livy," I reminded her.

"True," she breathed. "Don't leave yet because I'll need your help with this one."

After a few seconds, she told me she was dressed. I dropped my hand and stepped up to her to zip it up. As I was zipping it up, my knuckles brushed the smooth skin of her back and I lingered longer than I should've. "Don't tell me this one got stuck too."

I quickly moved back. "No, it's fine."

She glanced at me through the mirror and recovered with a smile and pushed up her glasses. "What do you think?"

"You look great, Liv."

Her phone started ringing in her bag and I was actually thankful for it. "Can you get that? It's probably my mom."

I retrieved her bag and found her phone tucked in the front pocket. I plucked it out and looked at the name. "Um, it's Ezra."

"Oh, I'll call him back when I get home."

The phone silenced and I put it back. "You could've answered it, I don't care."

"It's fine," she assured. "Anyway, which dress was your favorite?"

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