Chapter 13: I'm Not Over It

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Song: Doomed by Bring Me The Horizon


I scrubbed my hair and let my eyes close as I basked in the glory of a warm shower. As I rinsed it out, I ignored the fact that Dawson was just downstairs because my dad asked him to babysit me. No, I'm going to focus on washing my hair and not think about the many ways I could get him to leave.

After I finished my shower, I shut the water off and slipped my hand out of the curtain to grab my towel. As I was reaching, I was met with air and not the nice fluffy white towel I knew I hung on the rack. I ripped open the curtain and my towel wasn't hanging on the rack. A chill wracked my body and I looked around, hoping it fell on the floor or I sat it on the sink.

But it was no where to be found in my bathroom.

Now I was seething mad.

I opened the bathroom door, peeking my head out the small crack. "Dawson!" I yelled. "Where the hell is my towel?"

I heard his footsteps and he strode in my room. The towel was hanging from one of his fingers and a grin surfaced on his lips. "This one? You really need to learn how to lock your bathroom door, Liv."

"Give it to me!"

Dawson tilted his head to the side. "Or what?"

"Or I'm going to kick your sorry ass!" I thrust my hand outside the door while maintaining my stance behind the door. "Please, just give it to me—"

"Come get it." He dangled the towel in front of me, that vicious grin still on his mouth. A mouth I really wanted to punch at the moment.

"I'm naked, you buffoon!"

"No shit." He snorted and then his lips fell into a frown. "Poor Livy."

I gnashed my teeth together and fought the urge to scream. "If you don't give it to me, I'll tell my dad—"

"What's he going to do? He's all the way in New York. As I see it, you can come get the towel or you can wait until your dad gets home tomorrow night."

"You're such a child," I grumbled. "And this is totally not how I wanted to spend my Saturday morning."

"I'll make you a deal." He pointed to the towel. "I'll give you this if you say the magic words."

"Why are you doing this? Just give me the damn towel and I'll let you keep the gift of making babies, which I'm not so sure is a gift for you."

"Hey!" He said defensively. "My kids will be a gift to this world."

I rolled my eyes. "Give me the towel, Dawson."

"Magic words," he repeated.

"How do I know you'll give me the towel after I say it?"

"You'll have to trust me."

"Fine," I breathed. "Dawson is the king of everything and he smells better than waffles in the morning. Happy?"

Dawson's grin stretched into a full smile. "The sound of victory."

"I said it, now give me the towel!"

He stepped back, still dangling the towel from his finger. "This towel?"


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