Chapter 19: They're Onto Us

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"That's not right," Dawson breathed down my neck. He reached around me and grabbed my pencil, erasing my answer for a pre-calculus question.

I sighed and held my chin up on my palm, my elbow indented Dawson's bed.

Dawson's chest is pressed against my back as he laid across the length of my body. It made me nervous with him watching over my shoulder while I did homework, but it turned out he was a bigger help than I expected. "I suck at this," I groaned. "Just finish it for me."

Dawson chuckled lowly and fixed my answer. "It's not that difficult when you get the hang of it." He gave me my pencil back and I fought to keep it in my hand and not to throw I across the room along with my book.

I went on to the next question, and as I did, Dawson kissed the side of my neck. He settled with his arms around me and he was surprisingly lighter. He freed a hand, using it to sweep away the hair from my nape. His fingers trickled over the back of my neck and I smiled. It was distracting and he knew that. "I forgot about the mark here," he said and I felt the pad of his thumb drift over.

I laughed and scribbled down work for the problem. "You're the only person that knows about the birthmark there. Well, maybe my mom remembers. It's a long shot."

Dawson's laugh echoed mine. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. "Every part of you."

Blush covered my cheeks and heated the tips of my ears.

He kissed the mark on my neck and his lips fell to my shoulder. Then he wrapped me back up in his arms and I struggled to keep my focus on the page. He breathed out, the light air tickling my skin.

We didn't talk for a few minutes and I was convinced he fell asleep.

His timed breathing was all I needed to clarify that.

While he slept on my back, I ignored his weight and tried to finish up this worksheet before my mom and dad called. Which would've been any minute, considering how late it was. If Claire was still at the house, maybe they wouldn't call for awhile. There's no way in hell they would've let me stay here.

Once the worksheet was completed, I closed everything with a loud sigh. I reached behind me, hoping to find Dawson's ribs under my fingers, but instead I found his arm. I pinched his arm and he didn't budge. "Dawson," I whispered and repeated the action of pinching him a little harder. "I need to get home before I get in trouble."

No movement.

But when I went to pinch him again, he snatched my hand easily.

Then in seconds, I was on my back with my hands pinned above my head. Everything was shoved to the floor with a loud thump. "So you're awake," I joked.

Dawson grinned down at me. "I've been awake for the past five minutes," he said.

A laugh fell from my parted lips. "Well I gotta get home," I told him again. "I wasn't even supposed to be here tonight."

"Always breaking the rules for me," he teased and leaned down to kiss me quick. "I keep forgetting I can do that now."

I smiled up at him. "Then keep doing it."

Dawson didn't hesitate as his lips fell over mine. He pecked my lips several times before he leveled his face over my own. He kissed the tip of my nose and then the space between my brows. "I'll be sure to kiss you every time I see you," he said.

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