Chapter 21: Permission Granted

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Dad was acting weird when he got home.

            All nervous smiles and avoiding me.

            While Dad was in his office, I walked into the kitchen to find my mom already started on dinner. I looked back at the kitchen entrance and stepped up to her. "Why's Dad acting weird?" I asked in a whisper.

            She glanced at me and adjusted the stove temperature. "He's not always like that?"

            "You married him twenty years ago," I deadpanned. "You should know how Dad is by now, Mom."

            She shook her head. "He seems to be acting fine to me, Livy."

            "You'd tell me, right?"

            "Of course," she answered. "Now go get him. Dawson will be here soon."

            I walked back out of the kitchen without another word and trekked past the living room to get to my dad's office. Whatever he's up to, I don't like it.

            When I found him, he was leaning over on an elbow while on his computer. He didn't look like he was having any fun. "Dad," I said softly from the doorway.

            He turned his head slightly, his gaze finding mine. Still looked suspicious. "What's up?"

            "Dawson's on his way and dinner is almost ready," I informed him. "Mom wanted me to get you."

            Dad nodded. "I'll be there in a minute."

            But I didn't leave. Not yet. I stood in the doorway, nervously chewing on the inside of my cheek. My heart was beating weirdly and my head was swarming with too many stupid ideas as to why Dad could be acting weird, which could only mean one thing. I straightened my spine and sighed. "He told you, didn't he?"

            His brows narrowed in confusion. "Who told me what? Is there something I should know, Liv?"

            "Dawson. He told you."

            Dad's expression softened. "He didn't have to tell me. To be honest, you wouldn't have to tell anyone. We all knew it was going to happen. Especially me."

            I leaned against the doorframe and let out a really long breath. "So this dinner is completely pointless then. I was just trying to do the proper thing here, Dad."

            He chuckled and shook his head. "This dinner isn't pointless, Livy. You're doing the right thing, don't worry."

            "I also know you won't attack Dawson if Mom's in the room," I murmured.

            That made Dad grin. "No, I'll wait until after dinner at least."

            I rolled my eyes. "Please be nice. I don't need you to scare off my boyfriend."

            It was weird saying it out loud. I've never called Dawson my boyfriend and never thought I would in a million years. He's no longer just my best friend, but my boyfriend.

            I could tell my dad is also surprised by the terminology. "You know you both are getting the talk at dinner, right?"

            My eyes widened at the thought and I shook my head quickly. "Don't you dare, Dad. We know all about the birds and the bees."

            Dad leaned over his desk, still grinning at me. "I didn't necessarily mean that specific talk, Liv. I'm sure you both know how making a baby works, but I mean how to avoid said making of baby."

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