Chapter 17: Opposites Attract

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Song: Always Attract by You Me At Six



"I'm glad you're here," I said to Dawson, a small smile tugging on my lips.

Dawson stopped constructing the tent for a second to glance at me and smile back. "Yeah, me too. It's nice to get back to normal things. Like camping and me building the tent while you watch."

A small laugh tumbled out. "You know it."

I perched at the edge of the large stump and leaned my head back to look through the canopy formed by trees. The leaves rustled together, creating a smooth noise that was velvet to my ears. The sun streamed through the trees, but it didn't even bother me. It was nice to be back in the woods, especially with my favorite person.

"All done," Dawson said.

I lowered my chin and opened my eyes to find Dawson standing in front of me. The perfect curve of his lips tilted slightly. "Just before sunset," I said.

Jack came to pick up Chris a bit ago, but I think he was still inside the house when Dawson and I ventured into the woods.

Dawson moved his gaze to the setting sun, the horizon glowing an orange I've seen so many times, but it never fails to amaze me. The sky was cloudless and smooth. Nothing felt so perfect.

I stood from my seat on the stump and walked to my bag to find my speakers. Sitting them on the edge of the tree stump, I hooked my phone up and started playing one of my many playlists. The first song that came on was a very danceable song.

When I climbed on top of the stump, Dawson looked up at me curiously with his arms crossed over his chest. "You better be careful," he said.

"I'm always careful," I joked.

He laughed lightly. "The last time you did this, you fell and got blood all over my favorite shirt."

"Yeah, I know. You remind me every chance you get." I pulled my hair back and twisted it into a ponytail. "Now stop being a downer and come dance with me."

Dawson unraveled his arms and climbed onto the stump as well.

We both started dancing like idiots. It could've been the two energy drinks I had before I came outside or it could be the fact that I'm actually an idiot. Or a third option, which happens to be a combination of both.

After that song was over, a slow song came on and I stood there, kind of awkwardly, before grabbing my phone. Before I could change the song, Dawson's finger gripped my wrist. "Don't change it," he said. "Dance with me."

Slowly, I sat my phone down. "Why exactly?"

"Because," he grabbed my hand and drew me in closer, "I didn't get a chance at homecoming."

"I didn't know you dance," I teased and settled a hand on his bicep while he clasped my other hand tight in his.

Dawson's arm wound tight around my waist and he pulled me taut against his chest. "I don't," he stated. "But for you, I'll try."

"Not sure if I trust you not to step on my toes then."

"I won't step on your toes, Livy." When he smiled, my heart stuttered.

We moved to the music on swift feet. Dawson wasn't as bad as I expected him to be, considering he probably hasn't danced like this a day in his life. It was nice. Something uncomplicated made me feel complicated. I'm not even sure I'm making sense anymore.

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