Chapter 7: Beautiful Destruction

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Song: Clarity by Zedd Feat. Foxes (Acoustic)


I was throwing things inside one of my backpacks when my mom came in my room. She leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms. "Moving out already? Make sure you write when you get work."

"Funny," I said and zipped it up. "Dawson's coming over and we're going to camp in the woods. We won't be far. The usual spot."

She nodded. "That's fine."

"Where's Dad?"

"At the office with his dad. Claire and I are going to dinner and thought I should invite you. Jude's already gone too."

"Not surprising," I said and slung my bag over my shoulder. "I'll go with you guys another time if that's okay? Dawson will be here soon."

She smiled and nodded. "Of course. You and Dawson have been spending a lot of time together lately."

I shrugged and walked up to her. "We've always been like that."

"Your dad hoped that Dawson and Jude would become best friends, never once did we expect for you and Dawson to be inseparable," she informed. "That's not a bad thing though. I think you guys balance each other out."

"I'm glad I have him," I said softly. "Sometimes I think I'd be lost."

She reached forward and tucked my hair behind my ear. "He'd find you."

A string on my heart tugged. "I'm not too sure about that. Sometimes I think he wants to lose me."

My mom laughed. "No, he doesn't. I see the way he looks at you."

"He's changed a lot," I stated. "He's...I don't know. I feel like I'm holding too tightly when I know I should let go." Truth.

"He's not going anywhere, Livy. Don't worry."

"I know."

She kissed the top of my head and stepped back. "I'll bring you something home and put it in the fridge."

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

After she left, I walked into the garage to find the tent and my little red wagon from when I was a kid. Since Dawson wasn't here, I had to lug it all myself. Making two trips wasn't in the cards for me.

Walking to the backyard, I held the flashlight in one hand and pulled the wagon with the other. And that time I changed the batteries and even brought an extra flashlight and extra batteries. I also grabbed one of my dad's lanterns from the garage so we didn't use up the flashlight.

Our spot was by the stump in the middle of the forest and I made it in record time. I started setting up and I checked my phone throughout the process. Dawson hasn't called or texted and part of me was worried. It was getting late, but Zack's parties usually don't start until after nine. At least I know he won't be drinking because he has to drive. That always worried me. I'm so scared he'll drive while intoxicated or get in the car with someone that is.

Once I got the tent set up, I situated a bunch of pillows and blankets inside like a personal fort. The lantern sat near the entrance, but not close enough to be knocked over when Dawson came. While I waited, I pulled out my worn out notebook and wrote down words that have been burning my fingertips for days. I'm waiting to use the journal Dawson got me until this one is completely filled. There's only two pages left in this one.

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