Chapter 6: Because I Love Ice Cream

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Song: Force Of Nature by Bea Miller (She's honestly the cutest)


Watching Liv with Ezra equally made me feel creepy and slightly jealous. But when she looked at him, she was happy. I don't think I've ever seen her smile so much in the span of an hour. It was nice though. It's what I want...Liv to be happy.

When he kissed her cheek, I felt something snap inside me and I turned away. I helped carry the rest of the food inside and I ignored the oncoming jealousy that tapped on my temples. I actually talked to Ezra for a few minutes when he got here and he wasn't a bad person at all. Deep down maybe I just wanted something to be wrong with him so it didn't look like I had competition. But I am just Liv's best friend.

And the flirting doesn't help.

It's not just me now. She throws it back and I hate the way it makes me feel.

Part of me hates the way she makes me feel.

After the food was all inside, I helped fold the tables and set them against the wall. Violet said something about the people picking them up tomorrow morning I think. Inside, I couldn't find Liv so I assumed she was with Ezra. So I stayed in the kitchen to help Violet and James clean up. Claire also lingered in the kitchen, gathering up dishes. James's dad already left so it was just us.

My parent's had to take Christopher home because he was getting tired. I just told them I'd meet them at home in about an hour. A few minutes later, Liv came into the kitchen with a smile on her face. "Do you need help?" She asked her mom.

"No, we're pretty much done. You and Dawson can go ahead and leave."

"You sure?"

Violet nodded and kissed the top of Liv's head.

Liv came up to me and dragged me out of the kitchen. We went up to her room so she could get her things and then we left. "This night has been what's getting me through the week." Her knees were bouncing uncontrollably.

"You okay? You're acting a little...jittery."

She laughed and I could see her smooth her palms down her jeans. "I'm just excited I guess. And I've had a lot of caffeine—oh! And Taylor spiked my punch."

"Spiked it with what exactly?" I questioned.

"All she said was liquid courage, she didn't go into details."

I've seen Liv drunk once and we were alone. It was actually quite hilarious. All the signs were there that she was at least slightly buzzed.

I pulled into my driveway and turned the car off. Liv grabbed her stuff from the backseat and she rushed to catch up with me. The only sound when we entered was the light noise of the news playing in the living room and then my dad saying something to my mom. We ran up the stairs as quickly as possible, into my room, and Liv shut the door behind her.

"Can I have a shirt?" She asked. "I didn't pack pajamas like an idiot."

I retrieved the shirt from my dresser and handed it to her. She handed me the movie on her way to my bathroom. While she changed, I put the movie in and grabbed the ice-cream. Liv was already in my bed when I walked back in. I joined her and handed her the pint of ice cream. "This is why you're the best," she said. "You're the only person...that knows how much I love cotton candy ice cream."

A laugh escaped my lips. "How much did you drink?"

"Um...two...I think. I can't remember. Maybe three." She shrugged and scooped a spoonful of ice cream. "She just kept giving them to me and I kept taking them. But it's okay because I wasn't so nervous when I talked to Ezra. I guess it really was liquid courage."

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