Chapter 11: Hole In My Heart

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Song: I Hate U I Love U by Gnash Feat. Olivia O'Brien (Someone recommended this song to me back in August for one of my other stories (Paint my heart), so if you're reading this, bless ur beautiful soul)


Another two weeks went by and it didn't really get any easier. I tried not to think about it so much, but it never worked out well. Dawson would come to my mind just by seeing small things or doing something so simple as sitting at my desk. He's always there...haunting me. I wish it'd go away. I wanted it all to go away.

I'm glad I have Ezra and Taylor.

Ezra has been nothing but kind and he always has a smile on his face. Taylor never failed to make me laugh either.

I was sitting on my front porch while all those thoughts circled my mind. Ezra should be picking me up any minute to have dinner with his parent's. It made me nervous because I'm not even sure what Ezra and I are. I really do like him.

Ezra's car pulled into my driveway and I stood up on shaky knees. I smoothed my palms down the front of my dress and stepped onto the sidewalk. He got out of the car and walked over to me. "You look beautiful," he said and his lips curled up.

Blush crept up my cheeks as I smiled. "Thank you."

He pressed a hand to my lower back and guided me to the passenger side of the car. Once we were both situated, Ezra pulled out of the driveway and headed in the direction of his house. The ride there was short and quiet. It wasn't an awkward silence either. I was comfortable and Ezra seemed to be too. Except it looked like Ezra was more relaxed than I was.

When we got there, Ezra got to my side before I could even open the door. I laughed lightly and got out. "Such a gentleman."

Ezra shut the door and grabbed my hand. "Always for you."

We walked up the sidewalk and I felt my palms start to sweat, which was really embarrassing. Before we went inside, Ezra pulled me to a stop. With his free hand, he grabbed my other wrist and pulled me close. "You don't have to be nervous," he whispered.

"I know," I murmured. "I'll be fine."

Ezra smiled again and dropped my wrist. "My parent's like Jude, so I know they'll like you. You have nothing to worry about."

I just nodded and smiled.

Ezra opened the door and we stepped inside. The smell of home cooking was the first thing I noticed. It was warm. Ezra led me through the entry way and my heart picked up its pace. His parent's were in the living room and they both immediately stood when we walked in the room. "You're just in time," his mom said with a smile and she stepped closer. "You must be Olive. I'm Jennifer."

She offered me her hand and I shook it gently. "It's nice to meet you."

Ezra's dad came forward, and I didn't see too much of Ezra. He looked more like his mom than his dad. "I'm Alexander. It's definitely nice to put a face to a name."

I shook his hand too and smiled. "Thank you guys for inviting me."

"Of course," Jennifer said. "Dinner's ready, let's head into the dining room."

Ezra pressed a hand to my lower back and guided me. Ezra sat next to me and his parent's sat across from us. My nerves left as soon as I sat down. His parent's were actually pretty damn nice.

The food was passed around until our plates were filled. I waited for Ezra to take a bite first before I took one too. We were thrown into an easy conversation and my nerves settled further. There wasn't any pressure like I had expected. I don't know why I expected that, but I'm glad it went well.

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