Chapter 8: Armor is Breaking

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Song: This Is the First Thing by You Me At Six


"Go talk to her."

I blinked and pushed away the coffee cup in front of me. "No."

Zack looked at me with a raised brow. "Then stop glaring at your coffee like it just called you a jackass. It's been two weeks, Dawson. I'm sure she's over it."

I shook my head and leaned back in the coffee shop chair. "She's not. I've already tried calling and yesterday when I came home, there was a box of my stuff that she gave back. It feels like she just broke up with me."

Zack snorted and leaned forward. "She basically did. Anyone that didn't know you guys would've guessed you were actually a couple and not best friends."

"You're not helping," I said.

He shrugged a shoulder. "You didn't ask for help."

"I didn't ask for someone else to kick my ass, either."

Zack rolled his eyes. "You look like shit by the way. Does that help?"

"You're a horrible friend," I muttered and rubbed my eye. "But who else is going to be honest with me now?"

"Aw, thank you," Zack said sarcastically, "I'm touched."

A smile itched its way on my lips and I shook my head. "I gotta get home to babysit."

"Bummer. Talk to Liv tonight."

"I can't."


"First, she hasn't answered any of my calls or texts for weeks. And tonight's homecoming. I'm not going over there. I may be an asshole, but I don't want to be the asshole that ruins her night."

"It's a little too late for that, don't you think?"

He wasn't wrong. "I'll see you later."

That night, I spent a better hour pacing the floor of my bedroom. I chewed on my bottom lip and then the inside of my cheek. My hand splayed across my chest and I rubbed the spot above my heart. My temples throbbed and I just wanted my brain to shut off. I've had problems with it, but tonight...I wanted it to go away. I knew Liv was at homecoming with Ezra.

It was eating at me.

God, I missed her. I missed her so much.

She was right...I have done that to her before. It's my fault and I know that, but I didn't think she'd end up hating me for my poor choices. Hate is a strong word; I don't think she hates me. She does strongly dislike me right now. Knowing her she always will. I've known Liv to hold a grudge for years.

Once a girl called her a crybaby in elementary school and Liv got her revenge in middle school when she wrote bitch across the girl's mailbox.

That girl's mom wasn't too happy about that.

But that's Liv. She doesn't let anything go. It's a pain in the ass, but it's part of Liv and it's a part of her I always liked. Now the grudge is pointed at me and it's not so funny anymore. It never was funny.

I let her down. I really fucked up this time.

Finally, I stopped pacing and set off to find my dad. He was in his office, typing away on his computer. When he saw me, he stopped and leaned back. "Done pacing?" He asked with a grin.

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