Chapter 12

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"Fuck," I heard Poison mutter under his breath.

"What? What's going on?" I asked as I saw Jet, Cherry, Kobra, and Ghoul get up from their seats.

"Ghoul, Jet, get to the trans-am and steer them away from the diner. Take some Killjoys with you. Kobra and Princess would join you soon in the van. Find anyone who is willing to go," Poison ordered. The male Killjoys left, leaving me alone with Poison and Cherry. "Cherry, inform everyone about what's going on – actually, Black Cat, you do that. Tell your people to get ready for a fight. Cherry, take care of Dynamite. She needs to be protected. Get Missile Kid as well."

"Come on, Dynamite," Cherry said and pulled at my arm.

"What's going on?" I asked. We were walking down some hallways that I haven't seen before.

"You know what dracs are, right?" I nodded. "They're coming here. Or at least, heading here. You're a valuable source, Dynamite. You're important and Korse wants you."

"But why me?" She opened a door and took me inside, closing it behind her. I glanced at the room. It was very dusty, like someone hasn't inhabited it in a while.

"This used to be your room," she informed, ignoring my question. "This was your outfit." She handed me a bundle of clothes. It was a black and red skirt with suspenders along with mesh tights and a crop top. The mask covered my eyes and forehead. The base color is black, but it had red, orange, and yellow flames. The flames were spreading from my eyes to reach out to my forehead. There was gun next to the clothes. I picked it up carefully. It was also black with flames through it.

"Why am I so important?" I asked with a frown. "If I'm just another Killjoy? Why is Korse directly after me?"

"Because...well, you're the leader. You and Poison are the leaders of the Killjoys. There is a large population of rogues that refused to help us fight against Battery City. They only agreed after we told them you are one of our leaders now."

"So rogues are Killjoys who don't want to fight for freedom?"

"More like they don't want to get caught in the crossfire."

"But then why not just go after Poison?" This was so confusing.

"Korse has a spy within us. We don't know who it is; we're trying our best to find out who it is without alarming the rest of the Killjoys or rogues. And while having a spy here, he found one of Poison's weaknesses."




"He felt so guilty about you getting hurt and falling into a coma. He was the one who took care of you. Very rarely was it anyone else. The spy told Korse about it. For a few weeks now we have been fighting dracs off so they won't get to you. If they get to you, Poison's only focus would be on getting you back. He would ignore what the big problem is and Korse will take advantage of it." I didn't say anything, just messed with a loose thread from the clothes I was wearing. I didn't know what to say. There was a sharp knock on the door. Cherry stood up, pulling her gun out, and approaching the door.

"Cherry Bomb, it's Night Owl. Party Poison sent me." Cherry opened the door slowly before revealing the man on the other side. He was tall with short brown hair. His outfit consisted of brown featherlike material. I guess we know why his name is Night Owl. His eyes were a luminous yellow, similar to those of an owl. "He said to get Dynamite ready."

"She isn't ready to fight!" Cherry argued.

"Tell that to him, not me," Night Owl snapped. He turned to look at me. "Get changed into your clothes and get ready to fight." My heart rate increased excessively. Cherry looked at me with sad eyes.

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