Chapter 14

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"Dynamite, catch," Ghoul said. I managed to catch the bottle he tossed me before it hit the sandy ground.

"What's this?" I asked and inspected the bottle.

"Soda. We haven't found beer in a long time, so soda is the next best thing," Jet told me. "I wish we had beer." I sat by the fire that Kobra was maintaining.

"Can I poke the fire with a stick?" I asked.

"Can I trust you enough not to set anyone on fire?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Please, I wouldn't do it without reason," I said and scooted closer to him. I started poking the fire and setting the stick ablaze.

"Careful with that. I set no setting people on fire," Kobra spoke with a chuckle. I laughed and dropped the stick as it was getting too close to burning my fingers. I looked over my shoulder to see Cherry Bomb waddling around.

"What are you, a penguin?" Ghoul asked with a smirk. She glared at him before waddling up to face him.

"You know what, we're going penfight. And I will pengwin." She waddled away with a confident smile. Jet Star lifted her up and spun her around before kissing her. Awe, how cute. I don't remember them being a couple, but it's so sweet. I flinched when I felt the fire burn me slightly.

"Careful there, I told you not to set anyone on fire. That includes you too," Kobra stated with a laugh. I laughed and sat back, letting him handle the fire. Poison sat next to me and handed me a candy bar.

"It should still be good. I have a feeling you're a sweets kind of person." I smiled and accepted it from him.

"I'm hoping this isn't all we're going to eat," I said with a laugh.

"I'm not sure what Jet and Cherry have planned for us," he said with amusement in his voice. "But remember, we always have Power Pup." I shivered and gagged, remembering the vile taste. "It wasn't that bad. if it makes you feel better, Ghoul threw up when he first had a try at it." I laughed and shook my head.

"Shit, I would too. That was disgusting."

"You got that right." He lifted up his bottle of soda. "Cheers. For the revenge we will get over Korse. And the city we'll reclaim as ours." I clinked my bottle with his then took a big swig. The fizzy drink exploded over my tongue. I sighed in satisfaction. I haven't had such a tasty drink in a long time. Princess sat next to me. Soon, everyone started circling the campfire.

"Who's watching the zones if we're here relaxing?" I asked.

"No, no, no," Jet said and threw a small pebble at me. I dodged it so it just flew past me. "I said this was going to be a night of us forgetting the world we live in. Happiness and all that crap we seem to have forgotten. Don't worry about the dracs or other Killjoys. This night is for sharing memories and bringing happiness to our shitty lives."

"Well when you put it that way..." I replied with a chuckle. Everyone laughed along. Jet pulled out a guitar and started playing a happy tune. I smiled and watched him play. He was really talented. Ghoul was telling a story and I had missed half of it when I was watching Jet. Everyone seemed more relaxed and happier than I have ever seen them as far as I can remember. It's like they are showing who they are as people behind the new identities they were forced to take.

I looked at Princess who moved to sit next to Ghoul. She was smiling and laughing at something Ghoul had said. Toxic sat by the fire and placed a flaming marshmallow onto a graham cracker with a huge piece of chocolate. She sat next to Cherry who was just eating the chocolate. Those two must love chocolate. It's been years since I've had chocolate. I'd kill to have a piece right now. Cherry locked eyes with me and passed me a piece. I smiled and accepted it.

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