Chapter 22

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The last body was set aflame. Many left after that, but Gerard and I remained behind with a few others. I felt the heat come from the fires. 37 people died. Gerard placed a warm hand on my shoulder. "It's all over now." I sighed.

"Is it?" I asked. He squeezed my shoulder slightly.

"It will be," he said. "How much longer do you want to stay?"

"Until the last fire is out," I said. "I would say to go on without me, but I know you won't." He pulled me off the wheelchair and sat me on the sand next to him. I reached out with my good hand and touched his face.

"I can't leave you alone," he whispered. I nodded.

"I'm happy you won't." I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Are the stars out?"

"Not yet. It's still sunset. The sun should go down soon." As the sun went down, we ended up on the desert ground. I shivered slightly. The sand was still hot, but the temperature was beginning to drop drastically. "Cold?" I nodded. I felt something over my shoulders. I felt the weight of his Dead Pegasus leather jacket.

"No one told me Night Owl died," I whispered.

"I thought it was for the best," he said to me. "After waking up and finding out what happened to you then finding out about Princess – I mean Avery. I didn't want to upset you further." He rubbed my back gently.

"How did he die?" I asked. I felt cold hands grip my heart as I waited for Gerard's response.

"After we arrived back into the city, after you sent us off with Night Owl, they tried having me and Princess stay behind because we were injured. Well, we did, with Night Owl. She tried getting out. At first, I didn't know why, but when the dracs came into our car, they ordered Princess to kill us. 'Korse has done the favor of sparing you and keeping you safe after you gave us information, now it is time you prove your loyalty,' they told her. She just collapsed on herself as I tried to get out of the car. She shot Night Owl in the head with no hesitation. Everyone around saw. The ten dracs around us began to fall; the Killjoys around us were shooting them. Princess tried running away, but I shot her leg. I was close to losing my rage, so I let Black Cat and Cherry Blossom handle her while I searched for you. She was taken back to base to be held with Ruby Death. She stabbed Black Cat and tried to shoot Dr. D."

"He was killed by someone he trusted," I stated sadly. I shook my head. "People were hurt by someone they trusted. I still can't believe this. She was my sister. I should have-" Gerard sat up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey, come on. Don't do that to yourself. No one knew. She kept it well hidden for a long time." I got in closer to him. "We'll leave this all behind."

"I don't want to stay in the city," I responded. "I can't bring myself to live there."

"I know. I can't live here either," Gerard agreed. "I'm trying to see what is beyond the zones. I want to see a way out of here." He held my hands tightly. "And you're coming with me." He ran his fingers through my hair.

"What are we...what are we going to do? If there's a place out there?"

"As far as we know, beyond the zones, there are the dead zones. It's where all the garbage and, well, dead people were sent from BL/ind. It goes on for miles then there are walls surrounding the area. Some people have already gone to check for an exit point, but it was built to keep people in. There's no form of escape. They're going to break through the walls using bombs." I closed my eyes. I found comfort with him stroking my hair.

"I just want to lay here. And not worry about anything or think about what's going on." He gave out a sharp whistle. Before I could ask why, I heard footsteps coming towards us.

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