Chapter 17

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"Ghoul, come with me," I ordered. "Kobra, help us find this bastard."

"He's in all red. He should be easy to point out," Ghoul informed me. We maneuvered through the ranging zone where Killjoys and rogues were assembling cars and gathering materials. "I had a feeling it was him when you and Poison were attacked. He was the only other person in the room when I told you about the rogues wanting to leave. Before Princess and I left, I told him to gather some Killjoys and rogues to come with us." I kept a steady gaze as I looked for the unfaithful Killjoy.

"Got him," Kobra called out quietly. Ruby Death was talking to a few rogues.

"Kobra, go behind him in case he tries to run. Ghoul, walk more to the left. If he sees you alive, he'll run." They both broke away from me. I walked a little faster. Ruby Death looked up and saw me. He looked back down to the people he was talking to. The rogues with him parted ways and left Death alone. He pulled something out of his pocket. It looked like a phone or something. I quickly ran over to him. He broke into a sprint, but I caught him before he could get away. I slammed him against the wall of the diner and held him up by his red shirt.

"Hello, Dynamite," he greeted with a sick grin.

"Where are they?" I growled angrily. "How long have you worked with Korse?"

"How would you know, you woke up two days ago," he stated with a laugh. Kobra came up next to me with Death's device in hand.

"He was telling them about the plan. He hasn't sent it yet," Kobra informed.

"Why would you work for Korse?" I demanded.

"Because Korse is my master. I was never a Killjoy," he spat, his smirk leaving his face. "He may not know your plan, but he knows you're coming. He has your precious Party Poison and Dark Princess. By the time you get there, it will be too late." I lost my control and punched him hard in the face, enough to knock him out.

"Put him somewhere and make sure he doesn't get out. If he escapes, shoot him," I commanded. Ghoul and a rogue named Katana Passion dragged Death's body away. I rubbed my knuckles before heading back to Poison's office.

"Dynamite, what do you want me to do with this?" Dr. D asked me. He was holding Ruby Death's device. "Do you want me to destroy it?" I shook my head.

"Korse doesn't know we have Ruby Death. We have an advantage against him. Find out how they speak and come up with a message that sounds like something Ruby Death will tell Korse."

"You want me to give him a fake plan?" Dr. D asked. I gave him a slight nod.

"Something believable that won't tamper with our plans," I added. He nodded and left to his own office. For hours, I worked on a plan to get Princess and Poison out safely.

"Dynamite." I turned and saw Jet Star leaning against the doorway. I rubbed my eyes and turned to face him.

"What's up?" I asked with a yawn.

"We're all ready. We just need your signal to go," he told me. I looked outside. It was the middle of the night. I couldn't send them like this. They need to sleep.

"I said we're going at dawn. Tell them to rest. I'll need ten volunteers to scout zone 1, but besides that, everybody can rest for now," I answered. He nodded.

"Toxic Moon made a bunch of necklaces and bracelets. They all have a GPS on them so we can see where the person is at all times back here at base. Everyone has one and their signal is set ready. Show Pony will be looking over them with Dr. Death here."

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