chapter 23

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Scott POV

I woke up to the sound of rushing water. I got up and saw Avery fixing Krüe a bottle.

"Goodmorning." I said stretching.

"Morning Scott." She said handing me my baby.

She turned around and went into the bathroom with clothes in her hand. While I was feeding Krüe, Sydney's contact popped up on my screen. I grabbed and answered it

Me: Hello

Sydney: Hey, the kids wanted to talk to you.

Me: Tell them I can't talk right now. I'll call back in a hour.

She sighed and hung up.

I put Krüe to sleep and put him down. I gathered what I was going to wear and waited for Avery to get out the shower. When she was done, I went in and took a shower. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I brushed my hair and got dressed.

"You look nice." she said throwing on her hoodie.

"Thanks, gotta look nice for my kids."I said.

"Naw you tryna look nice for Sydney. Don't flex."

I started laughing and grabbed my keys. She was right though. I haven't seen Sydney for such a long time. I don't even know if she's still with this boyfriend of hers. I grabbed Krüe career and headed out. I put him in and we pulled off.

Sydney's POV

I swear man. He's the most deadbeat dad ever. He can't even make time for his kids. I got up and checked on Jordan and Jayden. They were sleep.

"Derrick?" I yelled out the back window.

The kids we outside playing and jumping on the trampoline.

"Yes ma?"

"Bring your sisters in in about 20 minutes for lunch." I said.

I went downstairs and got everything I needed to cook. While I was frying the bacon, my phone started ringing. It was Scott's sister, Avery.

Me : hey babes

Avery : hey boo. How you been?

Me : good. How's your brother.

Avery : he's ight. Been missing you.

Me : yeah yeah yeah. He doesn't even think about me.

Avery : Syd shut up. Now you know what you mean to him.

Me : I know. I just wanna move on tho. You feel me?

Avery : yeah I feel ya. But I'll talk to you later. Love you

Me : love you too

I hung up and started cooking again.

30 minutes later

"Make sure everybody washes their hands." I yelled upstairs.

"Yes ma'am."

The boys woke up so I went upstairs and grabbed them. I fed Jordan and Jayden and we sat in front of the couch watching TV. About 15 minutes in I started to dose off.

Scott's POV

We pulled up to Sydney's house and I got out. I grabbed the carseat and started walking towards the door. I was so nervous but I didn't know why. I heard the kids playing in the back, so I handed the carseat to Avery. I opened the gate and say Ciara, Ciarian, and Derrick jumping on the trampoline. They didn't see me yet tho so I kept walking towards them.

"Is that daddy?" Ciarian said pointing to me.

"Daddy!! " Ciara said jumping off the trampoline.

They all started running towards me and I bent down. This was the first time I hugged my kids after a year and a half.

"Daddy I missed you so much." they said.

"Where yall momma?" I asked.

"In the house taking a nap. But who is that?" Derrick said looking past me.

It was Avery hold Krüe. She started walking towards us.

"This is your auntie Avery and this is your little brother Krüe." I said showing them the baby.

"Derrick?!?" Sydney yelled from in the house.

"I'll take this one for you." I said walking towards the house.

Sydney POV

I was in the kitchen frustrated because the kids left fruit snack and Popsicle wrappers everywhere. I heard the patio door open.

"Derrick why didn't y'all clean up the mess." I said walking around the corner so I can see him.

When I went around the corner, I stopped in my tracks. Instead of my son, it was the love of my life. He walked up to me and hugged me. Tears started falling from my eyes. Even though he's put me through so much, I still love him.

"What you crying for baby?" He asked wiping my tears.

I didn't even say nothing just hugged him back I was still in shock. He walked me over to the couch and we sat down. He picked up Jayden and kissed him. Jordan started squirming so I picked him up. I didn't look at Scott because I knew he was still mad at me for dealing with Xavier.

"Sydney look at me" he said turning my face towards him "you don't have to be ashamed of that. I'm not saying its totally right but come on its a blessing in disguise. Syd the reason I came down here was because I realized that none of them other girls really cared about me. Only you. I was so blinded by everything that I didn't realize that you was the one holding me down all along. Sydney I love you man and your the only girl I want to be with. I know I put you through alot of shit but we made it through. I can go on and on but I only have one question to ask you."

He put Jayden down and got on one knee. I covered my mouth in shock. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a burgundy box with my name on the top in gold writing. He opened it and it was the most beautiful ring ever

"Sydney La'Nyse Morgan would you marry me and be mines forever." he said looking in my eyes.

I started crying and nodded my head yes. He picked me up off the couch and kissed me.

"I promise I will treat you like the queen you are. I love you so much and I'm not ever letting you go." He said.

He put me down and slid the ring on my finger.

"You must've had this planned. My name on the box and everything." I said laughing.

"Yeah I been wanted to do this. It's just I was stuck in my childish ways." He said.

The kids walked in through the patio with Avery, Scott's sister who I only saw a couple times.

"what's going on in here." she asked locking the door.

"I'm engaged." I said showing her my ring.

"omg are you serious." she said running up to me.

" yes. "

"cmon we gotta go plan. " she said grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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