Chapter 21: Why ?

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Scott POV

I was sitting outside the jail when my momma car pulled up. I walked over and got in.

"Hey baby." My momma said.

"Hey ma." I said.

"Sydney checked on you." She said.

"What you mean she checked on me." I said looking at her.

"I guess she heard what happend and she called me. She was really heart broken Scott. She really cares about you" She said.

"I know, I miss her so much." I said tearing up.

"Are you still in love with her." She asked me.

I rested my head on the window. Am I still in love with Sydney La'Nyse Morgan? Even through all the bullshit I put her through (the cheating, the sidehos, and the drugs) she still is right there if I need someone to lean on.

"Ma can you take me home?" I asked her.

"Yea." She said.

5 Minutes later she pulled up to my house.

"Alright ma." I said getting out.

"Love you." She said pulling off.

I went up to the door and was going to unlock it but it was already unlocked. I went in and the lights going up the stairs were on. I went in the kitchen and got my gun off the top of my cabinet. I loaded it and walked upstairs quietly. I turned left when I got to the top of the stairs and heard shuffling in my room. I went to the door, gun ready to shoot, and opened the door. Reigna was in there changing Krüe diaper. She looked at me with bucked eyes.

"Can you stop pointing a fucking gun at me and my baby?" She said.

"Reigna why you in my house?" I asked her putting the gun on my nightstand.

"Because I needed some clothes for my baby." She said.

"Clearly that's not all you was doing here?" I said pointing to the empty plate and cup.

"Scott why are you acting like this?" She said.

"Because I get home from jail and you in my fucking house." I said.

"You wasn't acting like this the other day Scott. You was telling me that you loved me. Now that you and yo little girlfriend broken up we can be a family." She said.

"First, I only said I loved you because you was sucking my dick. Second, I will never go with you because you fucking hit my daughter. I fucking hate you." I said yelling.

Tears started streaming down her face and she stormed out the room. I went over to my baby and him picked up. I put him in his bouncer and went over to my closet. I got out my two suitcases and threw em on the bed. I packed all my clothes up (well the ones I could fit). I then got all off Krüe clothes and packed them up. I grabbed my shoes and put them in a duffle bag. I was about to go downstairs but I remembered something. Then I packed Krüe's diaper bag and took everything downstairs. I went back upstairs and grabbed Krüe. I grabbed my phone and we went downstairs. I put everything in the trunk of the car then put him in the car. I got in the front seat and scrolled through my contacts. I found Trell's and called him.

Me: Aye Trell I need you to go get all my money out the bank and bring it to the airport.

Trell: Aight I'll see you in a hour.

I hung up and pulled off.


"Thank you." I said grabbing the duffle bags.

"Where you finna go?" He asked me.

"I don't even know I'm just leaving." I said.

"Ight be safe." He said dapping me.

With that he walked away. I was struggling trying to haul all of that stuff when I heard somebody call my name. I turned around and it was a short lightskinned girl with red hair. As she got closer she looked more familiar.

"I miss you so much." She said giving me a hug.

When she started talking I realized it was my sister. Me and Avery got separated when we was little. I went with my mom and she went with my dad when they got divorced. I hugged her back and it felt good.

"How you been doing?" I asked her.

"Good just on my way to Orlando to go visit my friend." She said.

"I'm going to Orlando too." I said.

We was talking when Krüe started making noises.

"Aww hi lil man." She said bending down to his car seat.

"That's yo nephew." I said.

"Dang thats 5 for you and Sydney aint it?" She asked.

"This aint Sydney's kid? " I said.

"Really Scott?" she asked.

"Yea but I'm not with this girl no more." I said.

"You still having relationship problems?" She asked picking the carseat up and walking towards the security station.

"It's just I haven't found the right one yet." I said.

"What about Sydney? I always thought she was the right one for you." She said.

"She moved on with her life." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I cheated on her." I said.

"Scott I don't know why you did that. That girl was so sweet and nice to you." She said.

"I know I fucked up." I said putting my bag on the thing.

I picked Krüe carseat up and walked through the metal detector. They checked all our bags and we walked towards our gate. A hour later we was boarding the plane. We found our seats and sat down. I put my earphones in and went to sleep.


Sydney POV

I was upstairs reading when Andre walked in. He was giving me the silent treatment ever since yesturday's incident.

"Andre." I said putting my book down.

He didn't say nothing. He went over to the closet and was grabbing all of his stuff.

"Andre!" I said getting up.

I tried to stop him but he just kept yanking his arm back. He pulled out a box and handed it to me.

"I was gonna give that to you but this is not working out." He said continuing to pack.

I opened it and it was a ring. On the box it said "Would You Marry Me?". I started tearing up.

"Andre." I said.

He looked at me.

"Why didn't you propose to me?" I asked.

"Sydney I didn't propose to you because your not loyal. If you didn't have a problem doing that to your sister what makes you think you wouldn't do that to me. I don't wanna have a wife that I gotta worry about cheating on me. Then why would I marry someone that's still in love with another person?" He said taking his suitcases downstairs.

I heard the door close and I sat on the bed. I started crying. Why does my life have to be like this?

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