Chapter 13: Old Friends

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Sydney POV

"Thank you Ms. Morgan, have a nice day." The lady at the front desk said.

I nodded and walked out the building. Today I went to go finalize my schedule for school and I start on Monday. I walked to the parking lot and got in the car. I started it up and pulled out. Since we switch off today, I gotta go get the kids from Scott. And my momma had work today so I gotta go get em from his house -_-. I pulled up to his house and parked. I got out and knocked on the door. Reigna answered the door. She looked me up and down and yelled upstairs.

"Scott!" She yelled.

I opened the screen door and went in. Her stomach was a little swollen and I chuckled to myself. Scott dumb ass self got her pregnant. Speaking of pregnant, I found out at the hospital that I'm a month pregnant. And Xavier is the father. I walked up the stairs and went to the twins room. Scott and Derrick was in there getting the bags ready.

"Hey Derrick." I said ruffing up his hair.

"Hey Ma." He said walking out the room.

"How you been?" Scott asked me.

I smiled trying to keep my laugh in. Why is he talking to me? I grabbed the bags and went downstairs.

"Hey mommy." Ciara said running in from the backyard.

"Hey baby." I said kissing her on the cheek, "who in the back?"

"Daddy friend." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me back there.

I opened the patio door and went out there.

"Hi mommy." Ciarian said.

"Hey." I said hugging her.

Jayden was sitting on some dude lap but he didn't notice me because he had his headphones in. I walked over and Jay laid his eyes on me. He started reaching for me and that caught the dude attention. He looked at me and squinched his eyes.

"Sydney." He said standing up.

"Yea." I said grabbing Jay.

"You might don't remember me, I'm Dre." He said.

I flashbacked to my highschool years and remembered him from math class. Him and Scott was the bestest friends when we first got together.

"Oh hey." I said giving him a hug.

"How life treating you?" He asked me.

"Life have been a blessing. It blessed me with 5 kids." I said smiling.

"5?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." I said.

"Is it Scott's?" He asked.

"Sadly it's not." I said sarcastically.

"By the way you said that y'all must not be in a good place right now." He said.

"No not at all." I said shaking my head.

"Sydney the kids ready to go!" Scott yelled from the house.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Jay's bottle.

"Well it was nice to see you again." I said.

"Yea it was." He said giving me a hug.

I waved and walked in the house. I put Jay in the car seat and grabbed the bags. We went outside and I packed the car up. I went back in the house and grabbed my purse.

"Make sure you don't fuck him too." Scott said holding the door open smiling.

I was having a nice day until he said that shit. I looked at him and hit him in the lip.

"Fuck you!" I said walking out.

"Have a nice life." He said.

I got in the car and pulled out. He was wiping blood off his mouth and I smiled. At least I got him good. I pulled off and headed home.


"You haven't talked to Luna?" Kendall, my best friend, asked me.

"No I didn't go to work all this week because I'm just not ready." I said.

"I'm telling you, Luna not like that. She's not gonna rub it in your face or try to flex." She said, "hold on, tell me you still don't have feelings for Scott."

"Girl no, I had to hit him early cause he got out of line." I said.

"I'm sorry that yo life is this hard, but you gotta hold it down for the kids alright." She said.

"Yea I know." I said.

"So are you going to work Monday?" She asked.

"Yea since I signed up for night classes." I said.

"Alright well I'm about to go." She said getting up.

"Alright see you later." I said as she walked out the door.

I locked it and went to the dining room table.

"Everybody done?" I said grabbing the plates.

"Yes!" Everybody said.

They got up and went upstairs except for Ciarian.

"What's wrong?" I asked picking her up and bringing her over to the couch.

"Mommy, I have to tell you something." She said playing with her fingers.

"What baby?" I said getting concerned.

"When I was at daddy house, his girlfriend hit me." She said.

"What you mean she hit you?" I asked her.

"It was just me and her and she hit me really hard. And daddy ask what's wrong cuz I was crying.I told him nothing cuz I was scared." She said.

"Did she hit Ciara or Derrick?" I asked.

"No just me, she doesn't like me." She said.

I picked up my phone and called Scott. It went to voicemail. I called him about 20 more times and he still didn't answer. Then I just texted him.

To: The Kid's Dad

Scott I need to talk to you! Now! Urgent! It's about your kid!

30 Minutes later

He still didn't text back so I went upstairs. I went to the twins room.

"Guess what?" I said.

"What?" Ciarian said.

"Tonight is "Everybody Sleeps In Mommy's Bed" night." I said getting excited.

"You for real?" Derrick said coming out his room with his pillow and blanket.

"Yea c'mon." I said.

We went to my room and the kids got in the bed.

"Ciara you gotta save room for mommy!" Ciarian yelled.

"Okay!" Ciara said.

I went to Jayden's room and he was still up. I gave him a bottle and he went to sleep. I went back to my room and turned the light off. I slid into the little space they did give me and fell asleep.

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