Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Claire's POV

"So Claire. How was the drink?" Caspar asked, smirking. "Ugh, too much. I had one, and I don't feel too well." I said, almost passing out. This was strange. One drink wouldn't hurt me, but no, it was. What was in this? "Caspar, what's in this drink?" I asked, concerned. "Oh, not much, some beer, ... Sprite" "Wha-what?" I ask. " You heard me" Caspar tells me, smirking. "Cas-Caspar, I'm gonna pass ou-" and boom. I passed out. Next thing I knew, I was in a room, but it wasn't a room in Felix's house. Who's house is this? Jeez. I feel like I'm in a fan fiction on tumblr or wattpad right now who gets taken care of, from One Direction or someone like that. I decided to get up and look around the house to see who lives here. I had a huge headache. What was in that drink last night? I get out of the room and walk down the hallway to a room that seems to be the kitchen. I see a woman, around 40's maybe. "Umm, hello?" I say, like it's a question. "Oh dear, you're awake! CASPAR! Come here! She's awake!" The woman yelled which irritated my ears. Caspar? He sounds familiar... That's when he walked in. Caspar. Did he, drug me up or something? "Ahh. Good morning beautiful" Caspar says, smirking. "Umm, good morning?" I say, also sounding like it's a question. "How are you feeling sweetie?" The woman asks, which I assume is Caspar's mom. "Um. A little better. I have a huge headache." I tell her. "Ahh, hold on one minute. I'll go get you some aspirin!" "Thanks." Great, now I'm alone with someone that drugged me up, which I assumed... "Look, Claire sorry about last night. I didn't.. know there was drugs in it. I swear to god I didn't know! I asked he bartender for just a beer with sprite and I looked over at you to see how you were doing and when I turned back around, the drink was there. I promise!" He tells me. "Who w-was the bartender?" "Hmm, some girl, Stephanie? I think. She said she was filling in for the bartender for a bit." "Wha-what? Was she a blonde?" "Yeah! Jack's girl." Caspar tells me. "I-is she out to get me?" I ask, starting to tear up. "I, I don't know. Maybe, since you and Jack did date also he looked really happy to see you, I could tell." "Bu-but I just like him, as a friend. I like someone el-" I covered my mouth right after I said that. Why did that come out. Damnit. "Who do you like, Claire?" Caspar asked, smirking. "Umm,-" "Oh dear, I have to say we don't have aspirin" Phew, thank you for interrupting our conversation Caspar's mom. "Oh. Well, Claire and I can go to the store and get some!" Caspar recommended. "Claire, are you okay with that?" Caspar's mom asked. "Umm, sure" I replied, not sure if I was up for it. "Well let's go! Bye mum, love you!" Caspar said, grabbing my hand, dragging me outside. "Bye Caspar! Bye Claire! Nice meeting you!" "Bye! Nice meeting you too!" I yelled back at her since we were running. "So, Claire. What were you going to say?" Caspar asked as we got outside." "Umm, I don't know. I don't remember" I reply, lying right though my teeth, and he could tell. "Oh please, you said you like someone. Who is this someone?" Caspar asked, winking as we walked on the sidewalk. "Umm. A guy" I reply, looking everywhere but him. "Hmm. Interesting. At least I know now that you for sure don't like girls." Caspar tells me. "Caspar!" I yell and jokingly hit his arm. "Ow!" We both laugh. "Look, Claire. You know, I like you, even if I've barely known you for a day" Caspar confessed. "R-really?" I ask. "I thought it was obvious" Caspar smiled. "Well, I guess I can say that I like you too" I confessed. "Oh so you wouldn't mind if I did this" Caspar started to lean in. "Mm, not now. I still have a huge headache." I tell him, smirking. "Ugh. Fine. Hey, wanna come to Jack and Finn's house with me tonight? Apparently Finn has a new girlfriend" "Ooo! I wanna meet my best friend's girlfriend!" "Finn's your best friend too?" Caspar asked. "We'll duuh. They're twins, us 3 always hung out during and after school! But I liked Jack's personality more." "Oh I see, only had guy friends?" Caspar asked, jokingly. "Actually yeah, I hated all the girls in my school, they were all so rude." "I see, girls can be like that, except you." Caspar said, staring deeply into my eyes. "Watch out Caspar!" I scream. "Whoa! That was close!" "Dude, it was just a sign" I tell him. "Pfft whatever" we both laugh.

--------- 3 hours later

"Hun, you feeling better after your nap?" Emily (Caspar's mom) asked me while I walked into the kitchen. "Yeah, thanks for asking!" "No problem dear, and don't worry, Caspar told me what happened about you getting drugged so no need to worry about feeling weird with me" "Aww thank you, I feel much more comfortable now." I replied, smiling. "No problem dear. If you're wondering where Caspar is, he's up in his room, second door on the left once you get upstairs." Emily tells me. "Thanks!" I went to go see Caspar. I decided to just walk in, him and I are pretty comfortable with each other already. "C-Caspar? Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I yell, backing out of his room. He was changing. Oopsie. "No worries Claire. You can come in now, just knock next time babe." Caspar said, smirking. "How was your nap?" "Good" "That's good. Ready to go to Jack and Finn's?" Caspar asked. "Oh jeez, I don't know. I haven't even looked at myself in the mirror yet and you're asking if I'm ready!?" "Babe, you look fine. Go natural hun. It's a turn on." Caspar says whilst winking. I started to blush. Babe. That word made my heart melt, but also broke it. That's what Jack would call me when him and I were dating. "Well, I guess let's go!" I say, smiling. "Good!" Caspar says. He decided to carry me bridal style to the car. Well okay? "Bye you two lovebirds! Drive safe Caspar!" "Bye mum! Love you!" Caspar yells out to his mom, irritating my ear. "Ow! Loud enough!" I yell. "Sorry babe" "Why do you call me babe?" I ask laughing, probably asking the dumbest question a girl could ask a guy because that's just who I am. "Cause you are my babe, Claire." He finally set me down. We just stood there, staring into each others eyes, for what felt like hours.


Caspar's POV

This is my chance. My final chance to kiss the girl of my dreams, who I've only known for one day, but who I instantly fell in love with by just staring into her eyes. She is beautiful. Her beautiful blonde hair moving in sync with the wind, beautiful big, green eyes? I thought they were blue. Maybe she's one of those people whose eyes look different in different lighting. (True story, real Claire, me. My eyes look different in different lighting) Her lips, they look so soft. This is my chance. I leaned in and closed my eyes. I finally felt her soft, pink lips. This is what I've been waiting for, for a whole day. The reason I couldn't fall asleep last night, thinking about her all night. Thinking about my girl, Claire Styles.



Awww they kissed! So cute!!

I wonder who Finn's new girl is? 😏

Is it Rachelle? Like you'd think?

Where is Rachelle by the way? What about Felix and Marzia? Aren't they worried that she didn't come home with them?

Why did Stephanie really drug up Claire?

So many questions that'll be answered in the next couple of chapters! So stay tuned!! 😃😀😊☺

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YouTube: Zippy&Kitty (I share it with my best friend Rachelle)

Love you all!! 😘❤

- mrsclairehoran💎

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