Chapter 20

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Claire's POV

"What are you doing?" I ask. He whispers in my ear, "making you mine" and with that, he-


and with that, he starts to kiss my neck. Leaving little kisses on it. "Wha-what are you doing?" "I already answered that for you, making you mine." It felt good, always feeling soft lips on your neck, but I couldn't let this happen. I spun around, now facing him.

"Hey, this is easier now" he tells me, smirking. Leaning down to my neck, until, it wasn't a kiss anymore. He was giving me a hickey.

"Stop!" I pushed him off, feeling violated.

He looked shocked at first, then smirked. "Tough one aren't we?" He asked, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Look Troye, I'm not interested, okay" I tell him, sliding away from him against the island.

"Really? You're not interested in a guy like this?" He asks. "Well, first of all, I'm older than you, and second, I have a boyfriend"

"So you're saying, if you didn't have a boyfriend, you would date me?" "Look Troye, I'm just not interested" I said, the door swinging open.

I turned to see who it was. Oh of course, Harry

"Claire. I thought you always said Troye is so cute and that you'd love to date him" Harry says, smirking. "Claire. C'mon, just date him" he adds.

"Oh my gosh! Why do you think you have the right to tell me what to do! Like, I can be like, you shouldn't be dating Zoella, but I'm not going to because Zoella, is just amazing, but seriously. Think of mom, Harry"

He looked down at his feet, twiddling his fingers. That got his attention.

"Mom loves Caspar, I don't get why you don't." "I do like Caspar, Claire" "well then why don't you just let me date him, if he does something horribly to me, I'll end it. But I know he won't"

"Fine. I'm giving this boy one chance" "I am too, I don't believe in second chances" "well, I see who I get it from" Harry tells me, chuckling.

"Oh. Caspar and I are going on our first, official date today" "what?" Troye butts in. "Uhh, yeah. Caspar!" I yell out, seeing Caspar walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning babe" he says, smiling. "Good morning" I reply, smiling.

He looks over to Harry and Troye then to me. He gives me a peck on the lips and asks, "what are you making?" "Oh. Pancakes, ham and bacon." "Mm, my favorite." He tells me, his hands on my waist.


"This place is amazing! I miss the diners back in Cheshire" I tell Caspar, taking a bite out of my hamburger. "You don't have diners in Québec?" He asks.

"Well. We do, but they're not as good as the ones in America and England, especially" "Well, you're living in England now, aren't you?" "Yeah" I reply, slightly smiling, picking at my salad.

"Are you okay love?" I look up to see a worried Caspar. "Yeah, it's just, never mind." "No Claire, tell me. I'm here for you"

"It's just that, Troye and Harry, they told me things about you" I tell him, getting nervous in how he's going to reply to that. "Huh, about what?" He asks, sitting back on the chair.

I look up to him, pondering my thoughts if I should tell him or not. He looks so delicate, so innocent, everything they told me has to be a lie. He is not the kind of guy that goes for one night stands or just wants a girl for their body. I just know it.

"Caspar. They tell me you're trying to take advantage of me" I tell him, not being able to look him in his beautiful, blue eyes.

"Claire. You don't get it. They told me to, you know, say all that stuff to you, or else, your brother would, make you move back to Québec with him, and I didn't want that to happen."

A Caspar Lee love story ft Finn HarriesWhere stories live. Discover now