||The date||

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• The date •

Was it a date?  I think it was, it was a morning romantic date.  He took me in different places and he made my morning very beautiful. Alex was trying to make me happy or lets say to make me forgive him for what he did last night. The truth is I couldn't resist him ,his smile ,lips , blonde hair maybe he was the one for me ,the perfect one!?

"Are you having fun Lucy?"He asked curious.

"Yes a lot ,thank you for taking me out for breakfast ."she answered happy.

"Oh, I'm happy for that."He said smiling.

'So Alex ,we don't know very well each-other, so I wanted to ask you some things if you don't mind?"Lucy asked.

"No, it's okay go on."He answered with a smile on his face.

"So ,with who do you live?"Lucy asked.

"I live with my dad, grandpa and grandma my mum left us when I was 7 years old. But it's okay my dad has been my superhero all this time."He said.

Oh I'm sorry for reminding you her.I'm very happy that your dad has been there for you all the time. But why did you moved here?"She said with curiosity.

"O..... we moved here because..."He said nervous.His hands very shaking and suddenly he turned white as sheet.

"Yes why?" She kept asking without noticing his face.

"Because I was a troublemaker before on my school so they suspended me. I wanted to change not only school but city too and that's why we came here. At my grandpa's old house."Alex answered being more nervous for the next question.

"Um troublemaker! But you look like a nice boy .In what kind of troubles have you been to?"Lucy asked surprised.She has create that perfect boy on her mind for Alex.

"Lucy, please can we not talk about it ! PLEASE I CAME HERE TO CHANGE!" He shout and turned around putting his hands on his faces. 

"Okay, I'm sorry!'She said scared.He looked like a furious beast. It was the first time for Lucy watching Alex in that state. He was hiding something.

"No, it's okay but please don't ask me about my past life. Okay?" He was calmed now. 

"Okay,okay can I ask you at least for your friends the old or new ones?"Lucy asked.

"I don't have friends the only friend of mine are you. Evan hates me I think, maybe the girls too for beating their friend so you are the only one left.'He said with sad face. He looked so lonely.

"Oh no they don't hate you, stop making that face. They just don't know you that is why. Go and try to talk with them. They are great friends!"She said giving him a hug and a sweet smile.

"Okay ,I'll try and I have to say sorry to Evan!" He said. He was really sorry for what he did.

"Don't worry he will forgive you."Lucy said trying to not pissed him again.

"I hope so..."He said moldy.

"Everyone will forgive you for what have you done , because we all deserve a second chance."Lucy said encouraging him.

"O you are very kind!"He said smiling.

"I think we should leave now, lets go somewhere else."Lucy said with a bored voice.

"So, where to next?"Alex asked.

"I will take you somewhere special this time."She said smiling with her eyes shinning.

"Really, I'm curious where are you taking me?"Alex asked with a surprised face on.

"Don't worry it isn't very far."She smiled.

"Okay then lets go wait me outside I'll go and pay."He told her and went back in to the waiter.

"Okay then I'll wait you outside!"She said leaving the chair and running outside.

"So now....."He asked more curios than before.

"Close your eyes, I'll be here don't worry!-Lucy told him.

"Now you are scaring me but okay I trust you so I'll close my eyes."He said while putting his hand on his face.

She took his hand and took him to her wonderland, her park. It was an amazing view of the city from there and the wall full of art made it seemed even more beautiful.

"Now you can open your eyes!"She said and showed him the amazing view.

"Wow, it's really amazing who has done this?"He asked.

" Mr. Alex I present you my wonderland , it's a place of magic and art as you can see. The truth is we don't allow boys here and you are the first one.My friends are going to kill meh."She said covering her face.

"Oh really than I'm happy for that. Oh and this art is amazing you have a lot of skills, really. It's amazing where have you learn drawing?"He said really meaning it.

"I..... I have learned it from my grandpa, he has helped me a lot showing me how to work and paint like him. He was an artist my artist but he is a heaven artist now and I'm sure he is covering the sky with beautiful clouds."Lucy said. She couldn't afford it anymore and began crying.

"Oh I'm sorry Lucy I didn't mean to hurt you!"He hugged her after.

"It's okay lets not ruin this moment by remembering sad things."She said wiping her tears away.

"Yes, so where to next miss?"He winked.

"Um I don't know I think we should go home now because we have been out for like 3 hours."She said sitting up.

"NO! Wait!"Alex shout.

"What? Why?"She asked surprised.

"I forgot to give you something!"He said putting his hands on his pocket.

It was a very beautiful necklace in the form of a shell which had the color of the sea. He told her to lift up her hair while he put her the necklace. His hands were touching her neck and he wanted so much to kiss it, to touch it, to feel it. His thoughts about her were horny on that moment.

"Alex thank you it's very beautiful and it is with the color of the sea."She said and kissed his check.

"Lets consider this as an early birthday present."He said and smirked.

After saying that he grab her waist in a tight hug and with one of his hands he was caressing her neck gently and softly. Then his lips touched hers ,his kiss was so warm and passionate..... Although it  looked like thorns of a rose. They both enjoyed it.

After that kiss that last almost 2 minutes they didn't said even a single word to each-other all the way home.

"Goodbye, Lucy!"He said smiling.

"Goodbye, Alex!"She said blushing.

I think she is going to remember it.


Heyo guys the new chapter is out...i hope you enjoy it. Oh and i tried to make it a little romantic for valentine' s day i hope you like it ! Bye xoxo .....U i forgot also i suggest you guys to listen to that song while reading it. <3

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