||Is he gonna be alright?||

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Is he gonna be alright?  

   It was an amazing night which ended up with a lot of tears and pain.

"Thanks a lot guys I had a lot of fun. Lets try it again another day."Emily said. She really had a great time after so long.

"Of course we will try it again."Alex said winking.

"Yes but we should tell Emma and Alan too.."With more you can have more fun and do silly things."

'Yes I had a lot of fun too but next time I will take you somewhere special."Evan said with a smirk on. 

"O really, we will see where are you going to take us Mr.Alex?"Emily said."In your cellar to meet you ghost friends?"

"Somewhere special!"Evan said by covering Emily's mouth."Shut up Em!"

"Oh really but the only special place that you have is your house."Emily said pushing herself away and laughing.

"Ha ha ha!"Evan said with an ironic tone."You are so funny!"

"They are always fighting or discussing like that?"Alex asked whispering on Lucy ear.

"They do this all the time don't worry in the end you will see them hugging and kissing." Lucy said laughing.

"I wish I could kiss you right know,"Alex said coming closer and closer Lucy."I want to touch those lips they are my sweet happy little pills. Which takes me to the paradise."

"Oh stop it Alex,please. You are drunk."Lucy said blushing and pushing him away.

"No, I'm not drunk! Isn't it true that when a person is drunk always says the truth?"He asked.

-Yes, but not always the truth especially boys."Lucy said."They are always there lying to us , about who they are or how much they love us."

"Maybe you are right but this time as a guy I am I'm telling the truth to you."-Alex said with a flirty voice."Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"Yeah, yeah you are."Lucy said smiling."Stop making me blush man."

"Okay,I will stop it."He said smirking."But only for today."

"Oh god, okay."Lucy said.

"Hey so did you finish fighting?"Alex asked turning toward Emily and Evan which were still fighting.

"We weren't fighting ,just talking!"Evan said shooting Emily's shoulder.

"Um okay! Sorry dude for misunderstanding it."Alex said smiling.

"It's okay Alex don't listen to Evan right now he is just angry."Emily said laughing."He is aggressive too as a beast so better leave him alone for now." 

"As you say little monkey!"Evan said with a terrifying voice."I will kill you and after I will bake you in 240 grade and after I will eat you arm and body."

"HAHAHA! I'm scared!"Emily said."We have a beast right here guys."

"Hey wait! Quiet! Listen to that!"Lucy said nervous.

"Don't worry are just my intestines protesting for food."Alex said laughing.

"No,I mean for real somebody is there ,behind that tree and he is watching us. I'm scared!"Lucy said being more frightened.

"Oh Lucy you are scaring me too now.I'm scared too!"Emily said clinging Evan blouse.

"Okay we don't have time for jokes girls!"Evan said pushing Emily away.

"No, really is somebody there."Emily said."I hear that, too.

"I will go and see then, stay here and take care of them!"Alex said to Evan.

*Alex went behind those trees, we waited for him about 5 minutes and nothing he wasn't coming. So after that we decided to go and search for him even that we all were scared.*

"Guys help me!"Alex shout."HELP!" There was somebody there and he was hurting Alex.

"Oh my god Evan hurry up we should help him."Lucy said scared and run toward the bushes followed by Emily and Evan.

"Give me your money!"A man was shouting."Hurry if you don't want to get hurt."

The man was having a knife in his hand and he put it near Alex throat. His face was covered with a mask and we couldn't see him. Alex tried to escape but the men punched him very hard.

"Hey leave him!"Evan shout.He was very angry and god knows what happen when Evan is angry.

"Oh really,so what are you going to do?"The man with mask asked."You can't do anything to me but if you want to fight come here then."

"Of course I will come!I'm not scared of anything not even you!"Evan shout.

"No,Evan please don't go!!He will hurt you!Lucy shout."Here take our moneys and leave." She said going forward him with the moneys.

"Lucy no stay away!"Evan shout putting her away.

Evan had a big fight with him even though he hated Alex he wanted to save him from that men. He was very strong against Evan. He stabbed him twice with a knife on his back. Evan fall down and the man run away with the moneys.

"Oh god Evan!"Emily shout and they both run toward him.

"EVAN NO!!"Lucy shout.

They both run toward him crying and shouting but he was there lying on the ground unconscious.He looked like he was dead but he was still breathing.

"Call the ambulance!Hurry!"Lucy shout to Emily.

"Okay,wait!"Emily said nervous."Hello, 912 ? I'm calling because a person was stabbed and he is in critical condition. Please hurry up. We are near the International park."

"We will be there in a 5 minutes don't worry."The nurse said.

"Please,Hurry!"Emily shout.

"Okay don't worry stay calm we are coming."The nurse said.

"Evan ,Evan please answer me."Lucy said.

"Is he going to be alright?Oh my god is he going to die?"Emily asked crying.

"Sht stop don't you even imagine it!"Lucy shout."He won't die, i know it. Stop thinking bad things stay optimist."

"I'm scared Lucy!"Emily said."I don't wanna loose my cousin ,too!

"Don't be he is going to be fine!"Lucy said."You are not going to loose him."

After 5 minutes waiting the ambulance came and in that moment Alex woke up too.

"What happened?"he asked.

"Alex that man stabbed Evan."Emily said."Evan fought against him and he hit him with his knife."

"What?"He asked surprised.

"We don't have time to talk now lets go the ambulance is waiting for us."Lucy said as they both get in on the ambulance.

During their way to the hospital Evan woke up although he was under the effect of the pills, he talked.

"Lucy,Lucy where are you?"He said talking wandering.

"I'm here Evan!"She said and grabbed his hand.

"Don't leave me alone,please!"He said."I need you near."

"Don't worry! I'll be here by your side. I'm not going anywhere."Lucy said.

"Thank you!"He said taking her hand and kissing it. Alex was a little pissed of by this situation but he stayed calmed and handled it very well.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Heyo guys so the new chapter it's here enjoy it! Sorry for this part for those Evan fans but don't worry he will be fine! Enjoy! xoxo

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