✧ night one ✧

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My eyes scanned the glowing red numbers that filled the dark room for the 5th time that night.


I rolled over to face the wall as i forced my eyes shut in attempt to sleep for the 5th time that night. Nothing. I peeled my eyes open groggily as I turned upwards so i could face the bunk above me.

The sounds of rustling calmed me down, it helped me feel less alone in this small dark room. I heard a soft snore and smiled knowing that my friend was sleeping well, unlike me. The snore soon turned into a vague grumble as i heard more rustling and the creaks of the metal bed. I turned around quickly to face the wall, pretending to be asleep.

"Cas? You up?" A gruff voice asked as i sighed. "You know i am dean.." I responded flipping my position to face my roommate.

Only his head was visible which made me smile faintly. "I um.." "Had another bad dream?" I finished his familiar sentence extending my arms. He nodded before disappearing back up to the top bunk.

Moments later i heard him climb down the creaky bunk. I smiled as he landed on the ground with a thud and walked over to me. Dean looked to his side and paused before crawling next to me.

I picked up my blanket and threw it over the both of us, his body heat surrounding me instantly. "I know your doing this because of me..." I gulped as he put his arms around my waist, pulling me close, our faces inches apart. "You need sleep" He responded simply.

I couldn't see his face; the room was too dark, but i could feel his cheeks start to warm up. "Dean I'm fine, your the one that needs sleep." I reassured him, my eyes drifting to the clock behind him. Dean shifted so he could follow my wondering eyes. We both watched the clock change.


His gaze drifted back to me, but mine stayed rested on the clock. "Im not the one with insomnia." He muttered as i felt him pull my body closer. I didn't respond.

It wasn't because he brought up my condition. He always does that, and I'm already aware of it myself. I just wanted him to sleep already, for his sake.

This was the 3rd time this week he had a 'bad dream' ,and i know he's lying for my own sake. He's been doing this every since i told him about my sleeping patterns.

I looked down at him, my eyes trailing down his face, sides, hips, and eventually his legs that where wrapped around mine. I smiled at the sight before i wrapped my arms around him.

This was a normal thing for us; sleeping together. Our relationship was.. Complicated, and we didn't mind it, as long as where close, thats all that mattered.

On a few occasions, i would find myself watch him get up in the morning, always smiling at the sight. I remember the one time we argued, that night i didn't sleep, and i still found him wrapped around me. It was our little thing that meant the world to us, or for me at least.

I looked down at dean and felt my eyes get heavy, a wave of a rare feeling bloomed inside of me, sending a smile to my face.

I felt my eyes drift and so did my mind. The room becoming burry as my vision started to drift into deep darkness known as sleep.



It took quite a bit if research and lack of my own sleep to start this, so let me know how i did!

I do not have insomnia, nor do i know anyone who has insomnia, so if you or anyone you know has sleeping issues, let me know because i want to get this right!

Extra Info:

Castiel Novak
Age: 18-19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: bisexual
Notes: has insomnia, quiet kid, has trouble figuring out people and there intentions

Dean Winchester
Age: 17-18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: unknown
Notes: is close with castiel, smart kid, great at reading emotions, not so much at expressing them.

Goodnight ☁️

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