✧ night two ✧

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I sat upward as i threw my homework and paper next to me with a sigh. I glanced at the illuminated clock that was on the table side below me, my eyes already feeling heavy and tired.


i groaned realizing it was late even though i had more homework to complete. I thought for a moment, pulling myself back to the spot where the paperwork was discarded. A little procrastination never hurt anyone..

I picked up all the papers and shoved them into my bag at the end of the small ladder leading down. I threw my bag off the bunk, hearing a thud afterwards.

I smiled leaning over the edge of the bed, looking at cas type at his computer. "Hiya cas." I smirked when he looked up knitting his eyebrows together. "Dean its late.. You need sleep, class is extra early tomorrow." He said shutting his laptop lightly.

I dragged my body lower so that my head and shirt was visible to him. "But I'm bored and you don't sleep anyway." I argued groggily as my shirt rolled down to my face, revealing my chest. I blushed grabbing the shirt and pulling it down as cas laughed softly.

"Okay why do you want to do?" He asked leaning into his pillow with a grin. "Lets vandalize some things!" I said ecstatic about my idea. "Hell no, i don't want to get kicked out of college!" He gasped sarcastically raising his hands to cover his mouth.

I rolled my eyes, a smirk dancing across my face as i pulled my body back up to the top bunk. I sat down and let my legs dangle at the edge of he bunk before jumping down with a grunt. "Well what other ideas do you got?" I asked sitting down on castiels bed.

"How about i stay up and you sleep!" Castiel said clapping his hands together smiling. "booo" i pointed my thumbs down in response as i wiggled to Castiels stomach. I laid my head down on his chest and looked at him. "Your lame" i cracked a smile before laughing to myself as he rolled his eyes.

"Your moms lame" he responded running his fingers threw my hair repeatedly, a smile growing on his face.

He was so beautiful and i could help but stare. He looked back at me and smiled, making me smile back. His smile was contagious and i loved that about him. I honestly didn't know what to think of him as.

A friend? Ew no
Bestfriend? No..
Friends with benefits? Well he haven't done anything so no
Boyfriend? ????

I just wanted to protect him and make sure he was okay but i also wanted to love him and kiss him everywhere. I just didn't want to lose him.

"You thinking about something?" He asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Y-Yeah something like that.." I coughed looking down at my legs hanging off his small bed. "You wanna sleep with me again?" He whispered, looking at the red clock glowing in our dim room.

I followed his eyes and we watched the clock change.


"Yeah why not.." I sighed smiling as i looked back at him. He nodded before picking up his laptop and placing it on the ground next to the bed as i got up.

I scurried over to the light switch and turned off the lights, making the room completely dark. I reached my hands out in attempt to re-find Castiels bottom bunk. "Im over here you dork." He laughed, making me blush slightly.

I felt a hand grab my wrist and i yelped as i was pulled down into the bed with cas. He chuckled, sending a shiver down my spine. I brushed it off before getting under the covers with him with a grin.

I pulled him close and rested my head into his neck, smiling faintly at our warmth. "Goodnight dean." He said as i felt his chap lips kiss my forehead. I frowned knowing he wasn't sleeping anytime soon. "Goodnight cas sleep tight." I muttered nuzzling into him. He chuckled faintly holding me closer.

"I cant promise anything"

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