✧ night eight ✧

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I rummaged around deans backpack as he took his shower, trying to find the meds from before. Only a few wads of paper and a suspicious phone number with lipstick was found.

I threw it away.

I continued to rummage around until i have up completely. "DEAN!" I called throwing the bag back onto the top bunk. "WHAT?" I heard him reply though the thin door filled with steam. "DO YOU HAVE MY MEDS?" "THERE IN HERE, CABNET. ILL GET THEM FOR YOU ONCE I GET OUT."

I nodded to myself but honestly was an impatient person.

Taking matters into my own hands, i stood up and walked to the bathroom with a sigh, opening the doors to let out the sounds of dean singing and the evaporated mist. "Cas i said you could wait.." I heard dean mutter more clearly than before.

"Couldn't wait." I shrugged to myself as i opened the mirrored cabinet, which was literally inches from the slower; our bathrooms small. I rummaged around and found the orange bottle with my full name on it, along with the instructions and hospital name.

I heard the sound of the water being shut off, signaling me to hop out of there, only to be pulled by the wrist for a quick kiss from dean. "Your next, you stink." He chuckled pulling away as i rolled my eyes. "Whatever put on some pants." I mumbled tugging on his towel on the way out.

I read the directions as i walked to my bunk, grabbing one of the many scattered water bottles along the way. "Do i have to put on some pants?" I heard dean grumble as i twisted the cap off. "Yep, its the normal thing to do." I replied taking a swig of water along with two capsules, swallowing stiffly as i shuttered.

I. hate. pills.

"You good?" I heard dean mumble as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded as i handed him the medication. "How many times do you gotta take this?" He asked turning the bottle over a few times as he dried his hair with the towel; he had his boxers on. "Once a night." I stood up giving dean a kiss before heading to the misty bathroom for a shower.

"Can i join?" I could feel dean smirk behind me as grabbed a abandoned towel from the tiled floor. "You just took a shower." I rolled my eyes before shutting the door completely.

I heard the rummaging of Dean behind the bathroom door, sighing as i turned around to see myself in the mirror. I turned on the shower head and stripped my clothing as i waited for it to warm up, hoping Dean didn't use all the hot water; he didnt.

I stepped into the steam and felt the warm water pop of my back in tiny specks around me, making me smile for no reason in particular.


In a matter of minutes, i was done, stepping out of the shower with a towel around me.

"My My My, look at what the cat dragged in." I heard Dean smirk as i let the mist escape the shower as i exited with a fluffy towel around my waist. "Yeah Yeah, i know im good looking.." I muttered as i rummaged in my drawer for some casual sweatpants and a shirt; but nothing was there. "Wheres my clothes.." I knitted my eyebrows together as i shut the shelving unit, opening another one next to it; empty.

I turned around and saw dean with a devilish smirk. "Looks like your going to have to keep that towel on the whole night." He grinned wildly as i rolled my eyes. "Ill just wear your sweats.." I made my way to deans side of the room so be stopped by a groan. "No! Those are my clothes!!" I heard dean plea as he struggled to get up from the bunk.

I felt a warm set of hands on my side as dean rested his head on my back. "Cas no those are mine.." He wined placing his hand on mine as i opened his drawer. "Give me my clothes then." I replied reaching around for his teeshirts. "Noo.." He replied shutting the drawer. "Dean your being stubborn." I grumbled crossing my arms as he smiled slightly, kissing me; i didn't kiss back.

This went on for a while, and i gave in, kissing dean back with the hopes of getting my clothes back.

I didn't get them back.

We kissed for what seemed like half an hour before dean wrapped his arms around me, making me blush red as he picked me up and carried me to the bottom bunk, not breaking the kiss.

I smiled when he slowly placed me down; he was so gentle and i always knew he was the loving type. I kissed him back as i felt his hands travel around my sides, making me shiver slightly. "Is this okay-?" He asked between kisses; i nodded slightly as i rested my head into his neck as he kissed mine. "I ju-st don't want to rush into anything.." I mumbled as he kissed my collar bone as if it was a fragile thing.

He moved up and kissed along my jaw, making me chuckle slightly; I was ticklish and he knew it. "What?" He asked kissing it again, making me pull away slightly as a laugh escaped my lips. "Whats wrong eh?" He asked again with a smile as he kissed along the front of my neck, sending me into a fit of laughter as i attempted to push him away. "Stop de!" I gasped between laughs as he started at my sides. "Im not doing anything!" He smiled.

He knew what he was doing, that jerk.

He tickled my sides as he kept on asking what was wrong, in which i couldn't respond. "Dean stop please I'm going to peE!" I said in a more urgent tone, making him stop slightly.

He kissed my cheek a few times as he rested on top of my still half nude body. "Can i change now?" I smirked messing up his hair as he sighed. "Yeah, you can." He got up and extended his hand; i took it and was pulled into another quick kiss before he let me go.

"Thank you." I smiled sarcastically as i pulled over a simple grey shirt. Dean muttered an 'mhm' in response and looked the other way as i quickly slipped on a pair of briefs and sweats.

I made my way back to him and slipped into his raised arms, peeling his hands from his eyes, earning an immediate smile to emerge. "You tired?" He asked simply as his arms went limp around me. I shook my head, even though i feet drowsier than normal, a yawn escaping my lips. "You sure?" He asked with a small chuckle as i rested my head on his shoulder. "Yeah.." I mumbled back, feeling his arms pick me up again. "Bed time for Cassie." He grunted pulling me to his side as he leaned back into the bunk.

I felt a warmth surround me as i felt him place a blanket around the both of us. "Night cas.." He sighed ruffling up my hair as i only sighed in response.

First there was darkness, then sleep.

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