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I held my degree in hand, a sudden flash causing my hand to squeeze my hand against his own. "One more, Castiel wasn't looking!" My mother whined as i groaned softly to myself. "Thats the tenth in five minutes mom." I retorted as Cas laughed softly with my father. "Okay, fine, only because you looked good in it. Sorry Castiel." She smirked softly as he rolled his eyes with a smile.

I walked over to my mom and looked down at her phone as she scrolled through the many pictures she took of me and Cas throughout the ceremony. "Send me the one you took right now." I said as she nodded quickly, her fingers rapidly pressing each button, causing my phone to make a small ding.

(note: yes i did make this, yes i know its crappy, you can use it for whatever you please)

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(note: yes i did make this, yes i know its crappy, you can use it for whatever you please)

"Thanks, come on Cas, i want you to meet my other family." I reached my hand out and dragged him across the filled stage, everyone saying their quick hellos as we passed.

I padded against the small stair case down the large area, my smile growing at Castiels pleas to slow down. "You'll love them!" I exclaimed as i spotted my uncle from afar along with his wife and daughter. "Bobby!" I called out as i waved my diploma around wildly to get his attention.

His wife, Ellen, spotted me and poked his side as he looked around the crowd of fully graduated soon to be adults. "Im glad you came" I smiled widely as i was pulled into a strong hug by there daughter, Jo. "Who wouldn't want to see you trip on a stage in front of everyone you went to school with?" She smiled before hitting my shoulder lightly; i blushed from embarrassment.

"Look at you now, boy." Ellen smirked as she hugged me quickly, patting my back like she usually does. "Not a boy anymore.." I said between my teeth as i hugged my uncle Bobby.

"So who's this, Dean?" Ellen asked once i pulled away from Bobby. "Oh, i almost forgot! Cas this is Ellen, Jo and Bobby. Everyone this is Castiel, my..boyfriend." I hesitated slightly but was relieved to know they remembered me mentioning him before. "Its very nice to meet you finally." Jo smirked as she extended her hand for him to shake (which he did).

"Well thats him, haha i better get going now, moms calling me!" I sputtered out as i waved goodbye and took Castiels hand in mine, bolting for the exit. "Dean, slow down! Whats the rush?" Cas pipped behind me as i swiftly passed by people and there families. "Surprise." I smiled kindly as i reached for the glass doors, the sun reflecting off a perfect view.

just like i planned.

"Impala, Now." I grinned as Cas basically ran to the car with wide eyes, everyone stating at us like we where mad. I clicked the key in my pocket and baby's doors unlocked just as Cas reached the passenger side. I slid on the hood and bounced off excitedly as i finally opened the door and took a breath.

I turned to Cas who was breathing heavily as well, his hair in curls and smile wide. God he was beautiful. I leaned over and kissed him quickly, his eyes widening slightly at the sudden contact.

He grabbed my robe and pulled me in again, kissing me passionately until we where out of breath once more. "I love you." He smirked as he threw his head back into the leather, the sun seeping through the tinted windows, reflecting his heavenly like beauty. "Love you more." I smiled warmly before i started the engine to the car.


We drove for what seemed like hours, yet in reality it was only a few minutes. The sun was setting now, and i was so exited for Cas to see what i had planned. "Hang on, where almost there." I smirked as i placed a hand on his thigh for reassurement. He smiled in response.

I soon turned into a street, the houses in the distance approaching into vision, causing me to turn my head to Cas to see his reaction. "Dean this isn't the right street, your parents house is that way." He explained with a raised brow as he pointed behind us with confusion.

I kept silent as i shrugged calmly, continuing to drive down the street as more small houses passed us. "Dean.." Cas warned as i slowly turned into the drive way of a small plain house with a large smile.

It wasn't anything fancy, just a normal light tan house with a somewhat green lawn and a white picket fence (which took forever to find by the way).

"Wanna look inside?" I asked as i elbowed Castiels side slightly, his body shaking in anticipation. "Hell yES!" And with that, he jumped out of the car.

I laughed to myself as i stayed in the car, watching as he ran his hand against the garage and glanced at the rose bush that was right beside it. He ran smoothly against the cracked walkway all the way up to the door where he waved his arms for me to get out, his graduation gown flowing in the wind.

He was so ecstatic.

"When did you- how?- Dean~" he whined at the end as he put his face in his hands quickly. "Do you like it?" I asked as i walked over to him, my hands in my jeans i wore underneath the robe. "Yes!" He dropped his hands, showing his puffy face and a quivering lip for a few seconds before he covered it again with his face on my chest.

"Is this ours?" He asked simply as he hugged me tightly. "Nah, its my cousins, its a prank." I replied sarcastically, which earned me a side punch from my boyfriend. "Yes, is ours." I chuckled as he pulled away and looked around calmly.

"Forever?" "Could be, but for now where paying rent." I sighed as i pulled out the key and handed it to him, his hand hesitantly reaching out for it with a faint grin. "Can we look inside?" He whispered as if it was a secret between us. I nodded in response and he took off into our new house.

I followed behind him slowly, talking a good look at the other houses nearby with a knowing grin that each one had there own little story behind it, and ours was just starting.

after all, no great story was ever written asleep.

the final end

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