☼ day nine ☼

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This chapter is a filter

Don't kill me pls.


I didn't sleep last night, the thoughts of what happened in shower keeping me up until it was 7am. I glanced around the room, wanting to know the time as of right now, but i soon remembered what happened to our clock.

I glanced down at Cas wrapped around me, the bed sheets tangled under his legs as he shifted slightly. I smiled as i noticed the small faded purple marks on his skin peaking from the sheets. I ran my fingers across them and smirked, the memories flooding back in a giant storm. God he was beautiful.

He flinched slightly, bringing himself closer as a smile tugged at his lips. "You up too?" He grinned opening his eyes, staring deeply into mine. "Been up all night." I muttered back running my hands from his shoulders to his hair, ruffling it slightly. "Mmm.. Breakfast?" He asked leaning into the touch faintly. "Ill drop by the store and pick up a few things we can cook." I replied breathing out heavily as i leaned in and kissed the bruises from last night.

Cas nodded and threw his head back into the pillow, making me smile before moving my face up to give him a quick peck on the lips. His eyes where closed, but he smiled as i shuffled out of the covers, dangling my legs off the top bunk before jumping off with a thud.

I glanced at the long mirror leaning on the side of our bed, (we rarely used it), and i noticed i wasn't wearing my briefs. "Cas you got my briefs on!" I laughed turning to the drawers as i heard Cas chuckle from above. "Oh yeah.. Mine look nice on you though."

I glanced up and saw him leaning his shoulders on the edge of the bunk, a drowsy smile plastered on his face as he watched me slip on some jeans. "I bet you look good in mine too." I smirked back, finding a faded Stanford shirt tucked between the crevice of the drawer; i slipped it on.

"Hurry back okay?" He whined slightly as he leaned down to kiss me on the cheek as i put on some random shoes. "Ill try" i hummed back as i turned to walk out the door, my mind swimming with only one topic; Castiel Novak.


I parked into the lot of the CVS store, only needing a few items for this morning.

I got out with a grunt and walked inside the building with a deadpan expression. I looked around as i made my way down the isles, trying to find the cereal. I made a sharp turn once i found it, grabbing a box of classic cheerios and something chocolate for Cas' sweet tooth.

He always loved sweets, he said he got it from his brother, yet i still couldn't understand why he loved them so much. It was just a pile of sugar and food dye mixed with chemicals; what is so appealing about that?

Yet every time we went out to the movies, or the rare times we shopped together, he would always get a bar of chocolate or a bag of sour candy. I wonder how his teeth haven't fallen out yet.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as i looked down to see detergent, milk, bag of chips and a random bar of chocolate in my hands. I don't remember picking these up, but then again i was kind of thinking about Cas the whole time..

I walked up to the cashier and waited patiently as she scanned the items quickly, obviously tired from the days work. "Your total is 20.57" she yawned pressing a few buttons as i swiped my card.

Ah the joys of college kids; spending money on necessities in life. I thought, smiling slightly as the woman handed me my bags. I thanked her and walked out of the store with Cas still lingering around my mind.

I quickly walked to the car, wanting to get home as fast as i could so i could throw myself into the bed with Cas wrapped around me. I smiled at the thought and hopped into the car, throwing the bags in the passenger side as i shut he door behind me.

I pulled put of the lot and quickly started back on the road, the radio music slowly filling the car as i drove back to campus, a smile lingering on my face.

I slowly stopped at the light just as it turned green, making me groan as i slowly pressed the gas again.

I didn't see the car from my side as i went forward, the horns blazing as my eyes grew wide. I turned my head and crouched to the side as i herd the loud sound of the car against mine.

I was shaken back, a groan escaping my lips as my life practically flashed before my eyes in a matter of seconds.

I glanced around and saw the smoke spilling out of the car that crashed into me, making me scramble to open my door and get the hell out of there. I looked out my window and made sure no cars where passing before getting out slowly.

I looked around and noticed people stop and get out of there cars. "SIR ARE YOU OKAY?" Someone yelled as they approached me; i waved them off with a grunt as i dragged myself around my damaged car.

I stumbled over a few scraps of my car as i went to the other car. "Hey? Hey are you okay?" I asked helping them open there car. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He said, eyes wide as he got out of the vehicle. "Are you okay? Im so sorry!!" He repeated shutting his dented door as he looked at our cars collided in the middle of the intersection. "Yeah, but our cars aren't." I muttered rubbing my throbbing shoulder.

He looked like a teen, a first driver most likely, and i honestly felt bad, but that didn't mean i would let him off the hook; he still needed to give me his insurance. "You good? Did you break anything?" I asked taking my phone out to call 911; it was miraculously unbroken. "No, no I'm fine." He pipped looking around at the sight before going back into his car to get his papers as i called the cops.


An hour passed and we ended up with minor injuries; i had a sprained shoulder and the kid had a scrape on his head and nose.

I got a million messages from Cas, and i just got the chance to call him back now as i sat down in the back of the open ambulance. It only rang once before he answered it.

D: hey cas sorry i couldn't-


D: i got into a car crash, my bab-


D: I'm fine Cas, but my baby isn't, she got totaled.

C: oh thank god- i mean that your okay, I'm sorry about baby.

D: yeah.. can you pick me up, I'm at the intersection near CVS.

C: yes, of course! Im heading here now.

He hung up immediately after.

I sighed with a smile as i slipped my phone into my pocket, just as the teen from before approached me. "Hey, I'm sorry about you car." He said as i glanced at the tow trunk haling out cars away. "Its fine."  I replied with a quick smile.

It really wasn't fine, I'm quite pissed but since your a teenager, i cant yell at you since you didn't know better. your a kid that ruined the side of my car, which means i hate your guts now.

I said internally as he motioned to the spot next to me. "Can i sit?"

Hell no

"Sure." I mumbled scooting myself over as he sat down with a sigh. "Ill pay for your paint job.. Its the least i could do" he said sheepishly as i shook my head. "Nah.. I know a guy who's good at cars. Don't bother." I replied watching as the other cars in front of us passed the wreckage slowly. I felt my phone vibrate, making me reach down and pull it out; it was a text from Cas.

cloud dude ☁️: I'm here

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