✧ night nine ✧

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Dean and i where laying on his bunk, our feet pressed against each others as i studied from my english textbook, sighing as i turned the page.

I glanced up at dean, who was directly across from me, watching him as his socks messed with mine. He was focused into his book, taking small notes on his papers near his sides. "Hows that studying?" I asked, a small smile playing on my lips. "Good, you?" He hummed taking another note before looking up at me. "Good." I sighed turning back to my english notes.

I normally didn't enjoy studying, but when i met dean, that was another story. He was always intrigued about studying, always wanting to get better; just like his little brother Sam.

Dean was a smart kid too, always passing with B's or A's in every class, except for the one we share. Science wasn't his strongest subject, and i bet i made it worse when i decided to enroll for the same class. He wouldn't take his damn eyes off me when the professor spoke, that slacker...

I was taken off guard when he groaned slightly. I looked up and saw him with his head thrown back, his brows squinting together. "The party! We forgot about the party." He sighed quickly shutting his textbook before hopping off the bunk, making me franticly copy his actions.

I reached the ground right as Dean shoved a towel into my hands. "Take a shower quick so i can jump in after." He exclaimed moving to the closet to pick out an outfit. "What time is it?" I asked starting to remove my shirt then and there. "9:26. The party starts in an hour and its 20 min away." He said picking out a shirt, throwing it to the bunk.

I thought for a moment, a smile across my face as i spoke. "We could get there faster if we showered together." I hummed, making Dean spin around. "What? Really!?" His voice cracked as a smirk tugged at his lips. I laughed slightly, handing him a towel as i nodded. "I trust you." I said walking to the bathroom, starting up the slower.

Dean came in running after me, the biggest smile ever on his face as he eagerly threw his shirt off. "Hands off the merch." I winked throwing my pants down, kicking them out of the way as steam filled the room. Dean nodded and pulled me into a kiss as he took his sweats off, a smile on both of out faces. "You think this is too fast for us?" I asked bitting my lip as we where standing there in only our boxers, still kissing slightly.

Dean kissed my cheek and replied in a comforting hum, his hands on my bare hips, causing me to shiver slightly. "If this is too fast, we can stop. I can take a shower after." He explained cupping my face in his hands.

I shook my head slowly, feeling his hands lower to my shoulders as he griped them slightly. "Cas you don't have to do this." He reassured me in a urgent voice as i looked up into his green eyes. "But i want to do this." I explained, placing my hand on top of his, the shower behind us echoing in the small room.

Dean smiled and kissed my forehead, slowly moving his hands down to my briefs before completely taking them off along with his own.

I blushed red, covering my face as we stood there awkwardly. I felt a pair of hands bring my own down, deans reassuring smile bringing me comfort as he took my hand in his.

I was dragged into the slower moments after, Dean guiding me as his back was pointed to the shower head. "Do you trust me?" He asked again in a slight whisper, the water popping off of his shoulders like beads. "I trust you." I repeated from before. He smiled slightly, bringing me hand to his lips as he kissed it faintly.

We where in front of each other, completely nude, the silence defending as Dean grabbed the shampoo behind him, turning to me with a smirk as he squished the bottle, the faint light blue product spreading into his hand. He raised his hands and washed my hair slowly, making me chuckle as the soap bubbles sank down my forehead.

I grabbed the same bottle and repeated the process to Dean, only this time he laughed loudly. "Who would of knew we would be in this damn shower, together, washing each others hair like kids." He smiled, teeth and all, making me grin as well. "Yeah, who would of guess right?." I grinned flicking the soap bubbles off from his ears.

Dean smiled and kissed the end of my jaw lightly as he reached for the scrubber thing behind him. I handed him the soap and snorted as he took it in hand. "Don't drop the soap kid." I winked laughing as he rolled his eyes. "Shut up and turn around so i can wash ur back." He smiled slightly as i obliged.

I felt the soap run down my back, the water rinsing it off as he made circular motions before completely stoping. I felt a pair of lips kiss the back of my ear, sending me into a shiver before i was turned around again to receive another kiss on the jaw, dean smiling as he did so. "Your beautiful." He murmured kissing me over and over again. "So so beautiful."

I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck as he kissed my neck lightly, his hand on my side while the other made its way around my back. "I love you." He said kissing my collarbone as i blushed a maroon around my cheeks and ears. "I love you too." I gasped out as i felt him leave a mark before moving to a new spot.

He didn't stop until there where five, my breath hitching every time he kissed or nipped over his creation. I looked up into the ceiling, my arms wrapped tightly around him as my i was against the tiled wall. I smiled feeling tears weld my eyes as i gasped and moaned over and over again.

I was so in love with this man, and i never wanted this to stop.

His breath, his scattered freckles along his shoulders and cheeks, the way he held onto my tightly as we kissed. He was the definition of perfection and i never felt so happy.

I felt dean pull away from my neck as i choked on a smile. "Cas- Cas whats wrong?" He asked stoping as he cupped my face full of tears. "Your so perfect." I spoke as he wiped my tears away, my arms still tightly wrapped around him as he went back to his canvas. He kissed each one again, making me sigh with consent as he rested his head into my neck, his light breathing calming me down.

I watched as the water sparked off his back repeatably, a smile tugging at my lips as i saw his hand on top of mine. He squeezed it before bringing his face up to mine, a feeling of drowsiness radiating off of him. "Screw the party." He muttered wrapping his arms around my neck as i dropped mine. "I want to stay here with you, all night." He explained as i leaned in to kiss him on the forehead. "If thats what you want, im fine with it." I sighed happily as he nodded.

I knew this was when i fell, this exact moment. I looked into his emerald eyes and knew this was it. This is when i fell in love with Dean Winchester.

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