☼ day four ☼

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I woke up early, remembering it was Monday. I groaned stretching my body, but was the least surprised to see castiels arms wrapped around me. I blinked and rubbed my eyes recalling the events from last night. I looked up and saw i was surrounded by blankets and pillows.

Oh yeah, the fort.

I looked down again and smiled noting to myself that cas was a cute sleeper. I smiled lightly as my eyes glanced at the dim clock.


I sighed knowing class would start in 30min and i would have to wake up cas. I yawned before placing a hand in his hair, running the tangled knots through my fingers. "Hey cas its-" "class, i know." He replied fully awake as he looked up at me.

His eyes where more.. Faded today. I frowned knowing something was up. "Whats wrong?" I asked softly as i continued to play with his hair. "Nothing." He sighed leaning his head on my chest again as he messed with the folds in my shirt. "Cas.. You can tell me anything, you know that." I hummed un-knotting a small curl in his mainly straight hair.

Cas yawned still silent with no response. His head shifted and he stared at the clock change its time.


He looked back down at my shirt and sighed loudly before sitting up. "Come on, we have class."


The sun was hidden by the light colored clouds, making everything on campus grey, just like cas. I walked behind him, trying to figure out what his deal was the whole time we walked to class.

We got ready earlier in an uncomfortable silence, and when i tried to hug him after, he only smiled before pushing me away. Cas never did that, he always embraced hugs, he normally asked me for them.

I eventually shrugged it off, knowing he would probably tell me about it later. I fixed my backpack straps before jogging up next to cas, a frown on my face. You could visibly see his large dark circles under his discolored eyes, it made me.. sad.

This wasn't the castiel i knew.

I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to a small tree near the classrooms building. "Okay whats up? You look like shit and your acting like your hamster just died." I huffed crossing my arms. "Its nothing." He narrowed his eyes and tried to walk past me, but i stopped him with my hand to his chest, pushing him back. "No theres something wrong." I repeated.

Cas looked at his feet or at a random tree to avoid my gaze. "Cas-" i started, but was interrupted by his eye roll. "its nothing alright!?" He shouted, annoyed as he glanced at me. "Lets just go to class." He grumbled as he passed me forcefully.

I nodded to myself before turning around to see him gone and into the classroom doors. Somethings up, i know it.

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