The Eyes of a Rogue

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Chapter 1

Dear diary,

I've always loved the smells that surround this forest. I have lived in this forest for a few years ever since the battle of Redwood. It's been changed since then; the trees have grown and flourished, the grass seems greener, even the air smells cleaner. It's been so peaceful, that is until maybe last month. Human hunters have started to hunt this forest. It was once my family land; that is until like i said before the battle of Redwood. These hunters bring big Trucks and guns that shine in the sunlight. It's not safe anymore, even the forest try's to tell me that. I can't shift anymore when one is in the frost because they believe that i am a real wolf; how stupid they are but yet i am very deceiving. It's been a while since i have been in my beautiful forest i even miss it. It has been the home i have known for my 15 years. Yes, I'm fifteen years old. You may ask, wait your talking as if the forest is a memory. Yet it is. Its only been a day or two but i walked into town one day to stop these hunters and get them off MY land. Yet all the Mayor said is 'where is your father sweetie' my response was 'you know where he is he is dead and i want those hunters out of the Huntley family territory' i growled. He only said one minute please and picked up the phone. I was to busy to listen to his phone call. Yet maybe a minute or two after he hung up two people came into the room and grabbed me. I kicked and screamed, thrashing about. I was thrown into this car and driven to this large building. The sign said 'Redwood Orphanage' Ok so well long story short i lived in the orphanage for 4 days, got adopted by the Stevenson family. They have one son a bit older than me and a baby boy to come. They are a young family; although they are really kind people i seem to enjoy their home. Although their son David seems to hate my guts with a passion. I seem to understand he is a pack member of the Redwood pack. GRR this is just great I'm living in the home of the enemy. His parents are also members but me being a rogue they don't really treat me as well, and i can't join the pack because i would never agree to wanting to. Let me get back to my life.


Grace - Wow I'm so stupid i still write in a diary. But, hey i have no one to talk to about my feelings. It's been a week or two since i was invited into this home. Their son David hates me with all his guts, although i hate him with a passion. I don't show it because i need this home; they provide me with foot, water, shelter, education, and so much more. David always has his friends over. I sometimes hear their conversations about their pack and some stuff about school but i never pay attention. I usually put my earphones on and blast music in my ears. But, this didn't happen yesterday. David started to talk some crap about me and i heard it. I flung my door open and stomped to his room a few doors down. I flung his door open and asked why the hell you talking about me. He lifted his head and looked at me.

"Go away Grace i told you never to come into my room." he stated like it was a fact.

"Well you need to not talk about me! You know nothing about me!" i yelled

"I do Grace" he got up and took a step forward. His friends watching me carefully. "I know your a rogue and their is nothing else to know about you." this enraged me. I started shaking with rage.

"You idiot! You all took my life from me!" I screamed before shifting into a medium black wolf with white Mitten like paws. I growled a low warning and ran out of the room and down to the back door. I went through my 'wolfy door' and ran for the trees only to be stopped by two large wolf's. They both dared me to try and pass them. I took a step back and sat down. I shifted back and started to cry. David and his friends all came outside to watch the scene. I stood up and looked at them. Tears still rolling down my cheeks. I was no long angry i was in my depression about my family. I hate being alone i hate that feeling! I ran toward the house and them. I stopped at David and said "i hope your satisfied. Just like your pack leader when he killed my family." with that i burst into more tears and ran to the house with a bolt of speed. I ran up to my room, i jumped for my bed and curled up into a ball. I cried i don't know how long but i soon feel asleep with only my fears and tears.


i posted this book 2 times now. Its short kinda sorry bout that. I want to thank all my friends they are one reason write and post on here. Even though i kinda started them Muahaha. Thy know they love me. Um you can read their books. The titles are Unbroken, Let it Loose, and It all started with a sticky note. Please comment on our books give us ideas and even vote for us. Its really appreciated! thanks -katie a.k.a MaryBrown79 :)<3

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