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aina's pov

sehun tangled our hands together and he cuddled me up, like a freaking huge giant he is. as soon as we both started to kiss, a bang hit the door of our now decorated house.

"oh shit. what a fun-killer." sehun muttered and kissed my forehead, before he went downstairs to the living room.

i sighed, tidying myself up before walking downstairs. tao, kai and sehun was sitting in a circle.

i walked towards sehun, sitting beside him while my hand making their own way to his. i moved a bit from the position so that my head would be able to lean on his shoulders.

they were talking about something i don't think even i know, but let's just let it slide for now.

"where's vic?" i asked tao, curious about the presence of his clingy girlfriend.

"ah, she- um- well-" sehun cut his sentence, suddenly barging into our conversation.

"they broke up." sehun rolled his eyes.

"oh. WHAT? YOU WHAT?" i was fine, before realizing the situation.

he actually dod break up with her?

"is it me or did she just wished tao would still be dating vic?" kai raised an eyebrow, with that confusing look on his face.

"whatever. anyways, where the fuck is kris?" sehun muttered towards tao, which was being ignored by tao.

"wait, wait. you guys making a party or something?" i asked sehun with a frown.

"the fuck i would make a party with these guys. and you guys, as if there wasn't a better time? barging into my house when i am in the middle of makeout session." sehun was still angered by that. i see now.

"as if you have to makeout when we are coming?" kai rolled his eyes.

my cheeks burned as the guys laughed at my reaction.

soon enough, there was a bell.

"coming!" i shuffled my sweater so that i would be in a better condition. running, my hands reached out to the door tomb.

the door revealed a tall, huge guy.

"hi milady." he smiled. oh, he have a charming smile.

"hi. i bet you are kris?" i bet my guts it is kris.

"wow, you are a smart girl." he laughed. suddenly, two hands draped right under my lower abdomen, tightens through seconds.

"yes. and she is mine." sehun growled.

"ahh, suits you guys well. what a couple." kris nodded towards the both of us.


tao started talking fondly to kris, as kris is fond to him. they seemed like they knew each other for so long.

"they do though." sehun suddenly answered my thoughts. his hand taking up the ciggarette to his lips.

"did i say it out loud?" my lips shaking a little. sehun is out of the mood today. i wonder why.

"listen, i gotta tell you something." he became so serious i don't even know him anymore.

"yeah. sure." i leaned over to his broad shoulders.

"we can't save emily. she is gone for good." sehun's words were as if a dream. no, it's as if they are nightmares.

"what?" my head shoot into the air and my hands made their way to my sides, untouched from sehun's silky skin.

"they discovered that the main house of emily's family is surrounded with super tight security. your beloved bestfriend can't be saved." his face are now in the palm of his hands.

"what? is that all you can do?" i whispered. "IS THAT ALL THERE IS TO IT? HUH?" my tears are now falling down, furiously, as if there is no stopping it. the others eyes directed to me, except for tao's.

"i can't do a goddamn thing about it, aina. what do you expect? besides, it's her who wanted to leave." tao's voice were trembling.

"her? it's her who wanted to leave? are you fucking kidding me?" my eyes cringed towards tao's back. "she fucking left because of us. and you say she wanted to leave."

"calm down." kai interuptted us.

"shut up." kris told kai and kai just nodded.

"babe, we all kn-" i cut off sehun's words.

"don't call me your babe." i spoke through gritted teeth.

"listen, if you think that you are depressed, think how i would feel." tao whispered, but loud enough to reach my ears.

"you- no, i feel much more hurt than any of you. if i was to choose between sehun and her, i would always choose her." my tears are truly madly running down.

"shut up. you're not lesbians. don't spit things like you are in love with each other." tao was mad. but he's wrong. i do love her more than he did.

"no. i am not a lesbian. and so are emily. but our friendship is so much more precious than your fake love." i was beyond mad or sad. i'm crazy. i can't imagine losing her. i just can't believe in this.

just as i'm about to stand, leaving them, sehun stood up and grabbed my waist.

"please leave. all of you." he had that hint of sadness but his grip around me was more than sadness.

all of them nod and so did tao. all of them left and the door was now closed, with a bang from tao.

i know he's sad. he's already depressed but he can't do anything about that. it's not his fault, yet i spat all that to him.

sehun let go of me and went to lock the door. he walked closer to me once he's done.

"follow me." he kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand, locking it with his.

promises ⇢ exo sehun ft. z. taoWhere stories live. Discover now