Week 7

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It was utter chaos.

Potato chip bags that were half full were scattered about almost every table surface in the house. Empty, plastic water bottles were strewn about along with other wrappers of food his doctor suggested. Luke was so tired to even move and he felt like crying.

He continued to munch on his chips, Doctor Harper telling him that it will help him keep his meals down after all of his vomiting. He wondered how the hell women put up with pregnancy. The constant bloated feeling, not being able to eat certain foods because of up-chucking and with all the headaches. He has never felt more proud of females and himself.

He reaches for another chip but groans when all he feels are salty, crumbs. He has a five minute debate in his head if he should get up which he finally comes to the conclusion that he shouldn't. He stays on his ass, watching continuos reruns of 'I Love Lucy'.

15 minutes into Season 3, the blonde hears a knock on the door. He feels extremely tempted to just shout come in but it could be a murderer. He slowly gets up, walking towards the door and looking through the peep-hole and throws the door open. A smile spreads across his face.


The lilac hair is now replaced with a nice soothing blue. Luke likes it a lot and finds it really hot.
The boy smiles and speaks up, "I thought you might need my help. A baby is a lot of work."
The pregnant boy giggles and crosses his arms. "Weren't you just at, work?"

Michael smiles. "I find you more important."

He steps inside Luke's apartment and slips off his shoes, hanging up his coat on the hooks beside the door. His eyes widen when he sees the mess, expecting Luke to be a tidy person. His reaction makes Luke blush.
"I'm quite messy."
The blue haired boy chuckles. "I can tell. Now, let's get to work. Shall we?"


Dead Baby,

How do you not like Taco Bell? I decided to get us tacos on Tuesday and you make me puke everything out into my toilet. Once you are older, you are going to realize how great their tacos are.
Michael dyed his hair a new color. It's a nice, soft blue. My favorite color. He really didn't have to do that but he is so sweet. He is excited for you too and he helps a lot. He is already helping me look online for some supplies for you.

I love you, baby boo.

Love Daddy

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