Week 25

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"I'm so surprised you haven't noticed! My hair is so full and it's so pretty! Maybe I should become pregnant more often." Luke spoke into his phone, rambling on about his hair to his boyfriend.

It was a slow day at the bakery. 2:00 to 4:00 pm is the slowest part of the day. No one really comes in cause lunch break is over and it's back to work. Mrs. VanBünz was in back, baking some of her special banana bread for the day's bakery special. The scent drifted through the air of the old and tired bakery, it reaching Luke's nose and his mouth began to water. He ignored it and did his best to keep talking to Michael without drooling on himself.

"Yes Michael, I already scheduled the glucose screening with Dr. Harper. It's in two weeks so we have time. Oh you have to go? Okay, bye. Love you. Don't get fired."

After Michael said his I love you, both of them hung up. Now was Luke's chance to go get a warm slice of the bread. He got up out of his chair slowly and made his way to the kitchen. He smiled when he saw a piece already buttered and on a plate for him. "Thanks Mrs. VanBünz."

The old lady peered around the corner and smiled, holding the loaf pan of banana bread with her oven mit. "Anything for you and the little ones. They have to have some sweetness once in awhile instead of all of your healthy lunches my husband brings for you now." Luke chuckled. He began to follow Doctor Harper's advice more with his diet when there was a false alarm baby scare. He also began doing the work out routines that she suggested for him to do.

They weren't too hard to do. Some simple arm stretches that he could do in the living room. Michael bought him little 5 pound weights for him to lift. Luke enjoyed his time exercising which was a surprise to him. Normally, he would rather sit on the couch and watch a movie like the 2005 version of The Fantastic Four. Exercising also really helped him mentally. His thoughts of self harm kept being pushed away by his confidence building through the stretches and weight lifting even if it was little. He should have tried this more often.

The bell above the door jingled, signaling Luke that it was time to get back to the counter. He quickly swallowed the bite he had left in his mouth and hurried out front. He smiled and said, "Hello sir. What can I get for you today?"

Luke began to observe the young man in front of him while he decided his choice. He had a curly mop of brown hair and calm hazel eyes. They were dull and Luke could tell that this boy had been hurt in some way where his happiness was hard to find. He wore a pair of glasses and had some stumble growing in on his chin and jaw lines. A crooked and jagged scar ran down his arm from his elbow to his wrist. Dog tags hung around his neck as well as a necklace with a bullet shell as a charm. He had a cane in one hand and he walked in with a limp. Luke put the pieces together and smiled warmly.

"Thank you for your service."

The man looked up at him and smiled. A smile that reached his hazel eyes.

"What branch did you serve in?"

The man finally responded with a hoarse voice. "Army. Five years. Best friend was killed in action. Thanks for recognizing my services."

Luke felt a slight pang at his heart. The poor guy looked to be only in his late twenties and already lost his best friend, mentally scarred by the horrors of war and was semi-disabled. The man requested his pastry and Luke quickly got it for him.

"Hey, you look familiar. Is your name...uhm.. Landon or.. No.. Lucas.. Luke! That's what it is."

Luke looked up in confusion and worry. Why would a complete stranger to him, know his name and how he looks?  He didn't remember seeing this man in town before. The boy held so much hope in his eyes and sounded so thrilled. "Yes, my name is Luke. How did you know?"

"My best friend told me." Ashton reached down into the pocket of his navy blue coat. "Oh by the way, my name is Ashton. Ashton Irwin." Luke smiled slightly, still slightly creeped out about how this stranger knew his name.

After a few moments of digging, Ashton fished out a small Polaroid that was crinkled and bent. He held it out for Luke which he took softly, careful he might tear the fragile looking picture. In the Polaroid was a picture of Luke standing beside Calum, his arm around his best friends waist and Calum's arm around his waist. Luke's pale face was a blotchy red, tears in his eyes while Calum's jaw was tightened to hold back the pleas for letting him stay with his best friend. It was a picture of their last moment together. Luke gave the Polaroid to Calum so he would remember that he had a boy to get home to.

Luke didn't even realize he was crying until one of his tears dropped onto the picture. The blonde boy noticed a caption below it and a small note on the back. On the front it just said, "home." and on the back it read, "Get home to your boy at all costs. He needs you."

Luke looked up at Ashton who was sniffling, wiping away a few of his own stray tears. "He would never shut up about you. Anyone who didn't know him would think he was down right in love with you. Damn it, I'm pretty sure he was. After his first battle, I heard him talking in his sleep. Something about Luke and how he made it and he's coming home. After a few months, we were all called in as backup for a battle. The fire was heavy and posts for enemies were everywhere. I wish I could've jumped in front of that bullet but I was too late. Went right through his heart."

Luke held the picture tightly, quickly pushing it over to Ashton when it hurt too much to even look at it.

"I was in love with him too. "


Dear Rutabagas,

I met an interesting man named Ashton this week at work. He was in the army and he knew Uncle Cal. He told me how he died and I finally found the closure I needed.
He made me realize that I had fallen in love with my best friend which is probably why I was devastated about his death for well over a year.
He would have loved you two so much. Almost more than I love you two.

I love you, little kids.

Love Daddy

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