Week 22

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"and they lived happily ever after. The End."

Luke smiled, gently rubbing his growing baby bump. It was getting large now, and people would often come up and ask to touch his belly. Especially Mrs. VanBünz. Michael would sometimes sing to the baby girls or play some guitar. Luke would do his best to play his keyboard in the corner of the living room. His swollen belly didn't help him much there.

Luke looked up from his spot on the couch, the apartment door slamming shut. Michael slipped off his dress shoes, unbuttoning his suit jacket while running one of his hands through his galaxy dyed hair. "How was your first day on the job, Mikey?". He looked over to the couch, smiling at the sight of Luke holding a children's book with one hand while the other rested on his large and bare stomach.

"Stressful but the boss is cool and says I can keep the colored hair. Lots of papers I need to read through already and it's just guidelines and company policies." Luke cringed, his nose wrinkling in disgust. "Ew, business." Michael chuckled, shaking his head as he slid off his black suit coat and hung it onto the coat rack beside the door. "I said the same thing back in sophomore year of high school."

Luke smiled softly, setting down the book. "You should come sing the girls a song." Michael looked over at his boyfriend, already seeing the puppy eyes. He knew it was no use to ignore so he complied, grabbing his guitar from its stand beside the keyboard. Luke moved some of the items on the coffee table out of the way, Michael sitting on the open space.

He strum soft chords, singing one of Luke's favorites. Beauty and the Beast. After Michael's small serenade, Luke yawned. "Awww, babe. It's only 8:30." Michael pouted, his small disappointment washing away when Luke kissed his pouted lips. "You would be tired too, if you had to carry an extra fifteen pounds on your stomach."

Michael shrugged. "Let's get you to bed then, shall we?" Luke grabbed the older boy's hand, struggling to get up by himself. Michael helped Luke waddle to their bedroom. Pulling back the covers, Luke slipped into their comfy bed, snuggling into the mattress. Kissing his pregnant boyfriend goodnight, Michael was about to slip out of the room before he heard Luke's small voice drift through the darkness.

"Don't leave me." Michael turned around, the only light source coming from the hallway outside of the bedroom. "Stop doubting my faith to you. I'm not going to leave you." Even though Michael couldn't see, Luke still smiled slightly. "There is always going to be a hint of doubt. A week ago I thought I lost you for good but now I have you back. I have many doubts and fears that you will leave me and the girls again but you keep proving to me that you are always here for me. Slowly but surely, the doubts will wash away."

"I love you, Lucas the poet."

"If you call me Lucas one more time, I'll cut your dick off."


Dear Rays of Sunshine,

Things have been going well this week. I have recently started binge watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. since Grandma gave me a week off. Last week was rough and she thought I needed a small break. Such a wise woman.
You two really seem to like watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and I'm very proud of your choices of likes so far. Michael sings to you two a lot. Maybe you both or just one of you will become a great singer.
You two have been kicking my ribs a lot and it would be really nice if you could stop. Thanks. It's not like it hurts or anything. You might even inherit my second language of sarcasm.

I love you, baby girls

Love Daddy

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