Week 19

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"Shit." Michael muttered to himself, walking down the small hallway, peeking into the living room. There stood his pregnant boyfriend, looking down at the lamp he knocked over. Luke tried to bend over but realized he had two growing babies in his stomach and was in no condition to bend his body.

"I didn't mean to, Michael. Honestly, I can't even walk in a straight line anymore." Luke whined, burying his face in his hands. Michael sighed, walking over to the blonde boy, pressing a kiss to his nose. "Your center of gravity is out of whack because of the two little ones. Your not used to the weight so you are a little clumsy."

Luke groaned, plopping down onto the couch. "This sucks. I can't even stand without stumbling. Stupid gravity, stupid clumsiness."
Michael chuckled, picking the lamp up, off the ground, seeing the only damage done was the lamp shade and the broken picture frame that fell along with it. "These are easy fixes. No need to worry."

Luke snorted. "You mean easily fixed with cheap replacements of the originals?" Michael smiled. "Or you could say it like that."

After Michael fixed the lamp shade and picture frame, he sat on the couch with Luke, finally getting his pizza dinner. He draped his arm on his lover's shoulders, eating slowly as he watched Into The Woods with Luke.

Half way through the movie, Luke's head slowly sunk down to rest on the blue haired boy's shoulder. Michael looked over at the blonde, smiling as he heard soft snores escape his mouth.

"I love you, sunshine."

Dear Babies,

This week was less busy, things were calm and just all together relaxing. Yeah we had our moments together but hey, no surprise visits from parents, Michael's exams are done and everything is just lying low. It's quite nice, especially from the busy life we have had so far without Casey.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind watching Michael kick him in the balls.

I love you, mangos.

Love Daddy

Sorry this chapter sorta sucks.
It's filler but next chapter is gonna be a little....


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