Week 28

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"Jesus, bloody hell Michael!!"

Luke nearly jumped out of his skin when Michael burst through their bedroom door. For self defense, Luke's quickest instinct was to throw something. The closest object was the tv remote. He chucked it at Michael, the remote landing in the small cake he held in his hands, causing frosting to splatter onto his tie and suit coat. Michael squealed, dropping the cake onto the carpet.

"Michael!! Now we have to clean the carpet!"

Michael chuckled and picked up the platter the cake was set on. The pink and white icing was smooshed into the carpet. Michael knew it would be a bitch to take the stain out but it seemed nothing could ruin his happy spirit today. "Don't worry, honey. I'll clean it up in a jiffy! I'll just make you a nice dinner for celebration instead!"

Luke looked at his boyfriend suspiciously. Michael never acted this giddy unless he wanted something from the blonde boy. "What do you want from me?" Michael poked his head up from his stare at the carpet. "What do you mean? I'm just really happy! The babies are almost here!"

Luke couldn't help but smile. His little girls were the cause of someone else's happiness. The thought sort of took away some of his back and leg pains he's been having. "Before you clean the carpet or make dinner, come cuddle me."

Michael smiled and dropped the plate onto the floor and climbed onto their bed, pulling Luke close to his side. "I see you moved the tv from the living room onto our dresser? How did you pull that off?" Luke giggled. "I called Ashton on his break and he came and moved it for me. He also brought me a slice of Evelyn's chocolate cake. It felt like I had a food orgasm or something. It tasted so good."

Michael laughed heartily. "A food orgasm? Jeez, Luke. Is this what all pregnant people are like?" Luke glared at Michael and whacked the back of his head.

"No, we just really like chocolate cake."


"Harder, Michael!"

"I am going hard! I don't want to hurt you!" Michael was starting to break a sweat from the humidity of the room. The air felt damp on Luke's and Michael's skin as they continued to create a build up in the room.

"Put your back into it, come on. Be a man, Michael!"

Luke felt like he was doing all the work. Pushing the tv back to the living room seemed like such a difficult job for Blonde Twink and Dyed Hair Twink. "How did Ashton push this thing to our bedroom with such ease! Maybe I should workout more."

Michael gave up, laying on the floor as he caught his breath. He groaned when he realized he would have to lift the tv onto its table in the living room. Luke laid beside him, a hand on his swollen stomach. "This is probably why I have so much pain in my back. Cause I do stupid shit like this." Michael chuckled.

"Want some ice?" Luke shook his head. "I'll be okay. I'm a strong ass bitch." Michael rolled his eyes. "Language."
Luke groaned. He could see a resemblance between Michael and his mother. She would like having Michael in the family.

"Go suck a cock."

Michael smirked. "I already have someone sucking mine." Luke faked gagged and hit Michaels chest. "Warn me before you say that next time. Your dick isn't in my pregnancy appetite."

"What did I just walk into."

Michael and Luke looked up at their apartment doorway and saw Ashton standing there, his cheeks flushed red. The couple looked at each other then burst out laughing.


Luke sighed happily as he snuggled up to Michaels bare chest. His day turned out to be really awesome which was better than what he hoped for.

He left work early cause of his agonizing back pains and watched Fuller House on his tv. Michael came home early with a cake but it spilt everywhere which got Luke dinner, free of him making it. Michael cleaned his messes. For once. Ashton came and hung out with the two love birds till ten thirty and now, Luke is freshly showered and snuggled in his warm bed with his boyfriend. It felt quite relaxing.

"You know, we never really clarified the baby names for your girls." Michael spoke as the cuddled in the darkness of their room. Only a little moonlight coming in from the small window.

Luke sighed. He remembered liking the name Ivy but he didn't seem to see the pizazz in it anymore. Another idea popped into his head.
" What about Wanda? Wanda seems so adorable."

Michael smiled, holding Luke tighter. "It sounds beautiful. I could imagine her with blonde flowing hair and your beautiful blue eyes-"
"I think she would have your green eyes and cute little nose" Luke interrupted.

Michael chuckled softly. "and your lips and clumsiness."
Luke was falling in love with the imagination of his daughter. He could see her joining choir or maybe tennis. Something more unique, maybe a speech team or maybe work the sound booth for a high school play.

Michael spoke up after a few minutes, speaking softly, "I like the name Natasha. Sounds bad ass." Luke giggled. "A bad ass kind of daughter? That sounds cool."

Michael got excited and began to concur another imagination for baby 2. "She could like wear leather and ride motorcycles or some shit. Join an archery team or karate....martial arts maybe. Save the world from evil guys-"

"A superhero daughter?! No thank you. Yeah, I would be proud but also very worried. She could get killed for saving the world from who knows what terrorist or alien leader."

There was a moment of silence before Michael spoke up again.

"It would be kick ass though."

Dear SuperBabies (Michael made me call you two that),

This week has gone well! We are officially in the third trimester and nothing has gone horribly wrong. Everything is running smooth. Michael and I have been discussing baby names this week and quite a few names have popped up that I really like.
I used to like Ivy but eh. I personally don't think it's cool.  Michael suggested Natasha, Lucy, Peggy, Darcy and Synthia. I thought of the names Wanda, Melody, Pepper, Jane and Cheyenne. We have a lot to choose from!

Love you Super cuties.

Love Daddy

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