Week 23

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( just a heads up, Luke imagines Calum's responses so they will be italicized)

"and he says I snore louder than him now, which is totally not true!"

Luke stuffed more spaghetti into his mouth as he vented to a picture of Calum. He placed the frame right in front of him, on the coffee table. As he spoke and ate, he imagined Calum sitting beside him, listening to every word while trying not to laugh.

His best friend would comfort him, snicker about how Luke snores now and try to cuddle his growing stomach. Calum was great at making pastas but that was about it. Luke and Calum use to eat fettuccine Alfredo while they vented about how horrible their days went. Sitting in the Hood family's home, Calum's mother Joy would always walk past with a smile, patting her sons head and kissing the top of Luke's blonde hair. He realized how comforting it became after his parent's death.

"My stomach is changing color too. It's all red and a pasty white and it grosses me out. Is this normal? I don't even know."

"Of course it's normal. Pregnancy fucks your body up but you will be fine. I know it."

"I've been stuffing my face with so much food. I'm feeding two other people though. Do you think Michael minds? Does he think I'm gross for eating so much?"

"I'm sure he doesn't mind. He's an understanding kind of guy. He gets what you are going through. He wouldn't care if you ate like this without two babies in your stomach."

"Maybe that's why he left me. Because I'm so gross and icky."

"His parents were being shitheads. It's nothing you did. He's probably used to his parents opinions on things and their thoughts must be important to him. He is back now so you have nothing to fear."

"He did comeback. What if he only came back out of pity? What if he only came back because he didn't want me to cut? Is that why I found him in my bathroom?"

"He came back out of love. He loves you and cares about your health and mental wellbeing. You probably found him in your bathroom cause he saw the blood and the blade and was in shock. You scared the shit out of him."

"I don't want to worry him. He has a life. He has a steady job that gets a good income while I'm scrambling between jobs with a watermelon as a stomach."

"He worries because you are scrambling. Scrambling equals stressing. Stressing isn't good for your baby girls. That's why he worries. Maybe just stick to the bakery job."

Michael cleared his throat, finally making his presence known. Luke looked up, seeing his boyfriend, leaning on the door frame of the kitchen. His mental image of Calum on the couch faded away, his voice no longer existent in his ears. "You still talk to Calum?"

Luke snorted as if it were obvious. "Of course I do. He is my best friend."

Michael smiled sadly, walking over to Luke and sitting down beside him. "So....does he like me?" The blonde chuckled, looking off into space with a smile.  "I'm sure he does."

"You know I love you, right?" Luke smiled.  "Calum always says you do."
Michael pressed a soft kiss to Luke's temple, brushing some of the greasy locks of blonde hair off his pale forehead. Luke replied quietly, "I love you too."

After a few moments of silence, Michael said one last thing before Luke drifts off to sleep in his arms.
"You know, you don't snore that loud."

Luke slapped Michael in the face.


Dear Smol Beans,

Calum showed up in my mind again. He loves you two so much. A lot of things happened this week that kept reminding me of him. Surprisingly, it didn't pain me to think of him. It made me happy.
We are finally getting somewhere.
By the way, when you two are old enough to walk, I want you to prove your father wrong about me snoring.

Love you terrible two's. (Not really terrible)

Love Daddy

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