Week 30

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"Michael!! Help me!"

Michael woke up with a start, falling out of the hospital chair he was asleep in. "What? What's the matter?! I'm right here!" Michael scrambled off the floor to Luke's side. The pregnant blonde grabbed onto his boyfriend's arm. "I need you to help me to the bathroom."

Michael sighed. "Again? I just helped you half an hour ago. Why did you yell for me to wake up? It sounded like you were dying." Luke scowled at Michael. If looks could kill, Michael would be dead on the floor. He gulped and helped Luke out of the hospital bed and to the bathroom.

"I can do the rest myself. Thank you." Luke shook off Michael's arm, gripping onto the door frame for support. "Are you sure? You look like you need some help. " Luke sighed exasperatedly. "I'm fine. Plus, you don't need to watch me piss. "

Michael rolled his eyes. "It's not like I haven't seen your dick or your ass before."


Luke slammed the door before he could say anything back to Michael. He sighed, resting his forehead against the door. "Don't be mad. I was just messing around." Luke grumbled in response. "Mess around when I don't have three fucking kids inside my stomach." Exasperated, Michael slid down to the floor, sitting in front of the door, letting his back rest on the wood. "You're not gonna let me make any more puns or jokes? Ouch. That's harsh."

Without a response after a few minutes, Michael thought Luke finally had enough. He heard a click and before he knew it, he fell to the ground before Luke. "Bitch." The blonde smiled."Jerk. Help me back to my bed." Michael got back to his feet, helping his boyfriend back to the hospital bed. "When do we get out of here?" Luke pointed to the whiteboard near the door to their room. "It says we leave tomorrow."

Michael nodded, fluffing Luke's pillow and straightening his blanket. "Hey, what color should I dye my hair next? I was thinking like an orange-"


Michael flinched in surprise. "I'm not having my boyfriend looking like a fucking pumpkin head." Michael snorted but wiped away the smirk on his face when he noticed Luke's glare.  "Sorry, um, how about I dye it a dark brown? Maybe a normal hair color this time." The blonde nodded approvingly. "Much better. Brown hair will sort of make you look like Sebastian Stan."

Michael scoffed. "Is this your new celebrity man crush? What movie has he done? That hot tub time machine one? Cause that sucked." Luke cringed. "No! He's in a lot of stuff. Including this new show I'm watching called a Once Upon A Time. I haven't seen him yet but he is in there somewhere." Michael could feel the jealousy bubble up inside him.

Luke seemed to have a new celebrity crush each week. One time it was Chris Hemsworth. Now how is he suppose to beat that? It sort of made Michael self conscious cause Luke liked all these big guys with beards and muscles. The only thing Michael had were lanky legs, arms and stubble. At least he had one thing they didn't. Great jokes.

"Whatever this Sebastian guy is, he can go back to the sea with the little mermaid so I can have my boyfriend back." Luke giggled. "I love you, Michael."

Michael looked over to Luke, smiling as he took his small dainty hand into his own. "Love you too, bitch."



"I wanted nuggets!!"

Michael groaned, getting in the passenger seat of their car. Earlier, they were at the gas station for a normal fill up. Michael went into the store to go grab some milk and eggs for home. When he came back out, their car was gone. He started to panic but he looked over at the McDonald's and saw his boyfriend pulling into the drive through. It was dark out, about 9:45 so no cars were around to witness it. Michael ran across the street to the McDonald's.

"Back my car up, now! Doctor Harper said no more McDonald runs for you! We have food at home now back the fuck up!"

Luke groaned, angry he didn't get away with getting his nuggets. He backed up out of the drive-thru, nearly running his boyfriend over. "I just wanted nuggets!" Michael got into the car, chuckling as he tapped on his phone.

"What are you doing?! Why are you laughing!?" Luke yelled, his anger rising. Michael smiled deviously. "I filmed the whole thing and sent it to Doctor Harper." Luke's face turned red, going back in the drive through. "After that, I deserve my fricken' nuggets."

"This story is so going in my favorite Luke moments"


Luke sat on the living room couch, happily munching on his chicken nuggets while Michael scowled, sitting in the kitchen. He was sitting criss-cross on the counter top, eating some Doritos. His annoyed facial expression would soften whenever Luke would laugh at the show he was watching. It was his favorite tv sitcom called How I Met Your Mother. It would make Michael laugh every once in awhile even though he wasn't into watching tv shows. He preferred movie series.


Luke's head snapped up to see Michael on the counter. "What did you say?" Michael smiled softly, looking at his boyfriend's swollen stomach. "The third baby. Can we call him Henry?" Luke furrowed his eyebrows. "We don't know the gender of the third child yet but if it is a boy, we can call him Henry. Even if it's a girl, we could call her Henrietta. That's pretty."

Michael smiled. "I love you, Luke."

"I love you too, sappy dork."


Dear triplets,

We are finally out of the hospital and in the apartment. Michael is trying to figure out our house space problem. We can't afford a house but he is thinking we could find a larger apartment somewhere.
By the way, I have a piece of advice for you three when you're older. Whenever daddy is hungry and wants food, he always wins.

Love you gals. Or gals and guy.

Love Daddy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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