Week 20

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Sorry this took so long >.<

This is a longer one so be prepared.

Luke sat up with a flash, panting as he looked around his dark bedroom. These nightmares have been occurring almost everyday of this week now. It was starting to really freak Luke out. He wiped the few beads of sweat off his forehead, trying to calm himself down. He looked at Michael's peaceful, sleeping body, debating if he should wake him up or not.

He decided against it and got up slowly, mentally cursing himself for waking up the twins when he felt them kicking. "I'm getting a glass of water. Stop being so pissed." Luke whispered, waddling towards the kitchen. He quietly got out a small glass, filling it up with tap water from the sink. He gulped it down, bit by bit, almost spitting it all out when he heard Michael's gruff voice behind him.

"Baby, what are you doing up?" Michael slowly made his way to Luke, wrapping his arms around his waist and extended stomach. He pressed soft kisses to Luke's bare shoulder, tickling the blonde with his beard prickling at his skin. Luke took a small breath, placing the cup down. "I had another nightmare."

Michael hummed in response, encouraging him to continue on with his explanation. "It was a dream of the twins as teenagers, they ran away and we couldn't find them. Then it was on the news that they both were brutally murdered. I blamed all of it on myself and you left me because of how I let our daughters kill themselves."

Michael was shocked. None of the pregnant boy's nightmares went to that extent of terrifying. Luke could hear his gasp. He winced cause yeah, it was pretty traumatizing. Michael turned Luke around, so they were face to face, looking into each other's eyes in the dark. "I'm not going to leave you if something like that happened. I would be there for you more than anything." Luke nodded, tears pooling out of his eyes as he snuggled himself into his boyfriend's arms.


"Their flight just got called! It got here early. Shit, Michael, do I look okay? Am I too underdressed? I knew I shouldn't have worn a hoodie and sweatpants."

Michael rolled his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time this morning. His parents were on their flight to the Seattle airport. Luke had been anxious all morning and was starting to panic once they reached the airport. Michael had calmed him down multiple times but his nerves would just rile him up more once he calmed down.

"You look great Luke. I'm the one who looks weird cause I had to dye my hair a bleach blonde kinda color."
Luke giggled. He reached up and ran his fingers through it, relieving himself for a little. "I think it looks cute but why did you dye it blonde? I though maybe you would go for like an orange or maybe a galaxy type thing." Michael chuckled, making mental notes of those colors for the next time he dyes his hair.

"My parents are really uncomfortable when I dye my hair weird colors. They don't try to be mean but they just don't like it so me, being the respectful son I am, dyed it to a normal color." Luke nodded, his smile still plastered to his face, letting his fingers graze down the front of his boyfriend's face, causing a small giggle to fall out of Michael's mouth.


Both boy's heads snapped in the direction of the sound, Michael smiling when seeing his mom rushing over to him. He dropped Luke's hand, quickly walking to his mother and engulfed her in his arms. Karen Clifford was squealing in excitement cause she finally got to come out to Seattle to see her son as a senior in college. "Oh honey, you look great! Your hair is a beautiful blonde as well! Much more lighter than your natural color but it's a handsome shade for you."

Michael smiled, "Thanks mom. I have someo-" Michael was quickly interrupted by his father walking over to him, dragging two large suitcases behind him. "Son! Look at you, all grown up. Like the hair color, Michael." Michael's smile grew wider as he hugged his father tightly. He pulled away and quickly stated, before anyone could interrupt him.

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