Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Oh, hey Jack," Maya said as she turned off her phone and shoved it into the pocket of her black skinny jeans. She wiped her eyes one more time, trying to get rid of the last of her tears.

"Maya, are you okay?" Jack asked as he sat down next to her.

"I'm not okay. I promise," Maya said.

"Are you serious, or was that another one of your references?" Jack asked.

"Both," Maya responded. "You should know this, Jack. We've been friends since kindergarten."

"I know, I know," Jack said. "So why aren't you okay?"

"How could I be okay?! We're dead!" Maya shouted.

"You didn't realize that earlier?" Jack said.

"When did you figure it out?" Maya asked.

Jack shrugged. "I read the FAQ page right after we got here. It explains everything. You see, I'm a proud member of the 36% of men who have enough common sense to read the manual."

"What else is in the FAQ page that we need to know?" I asked Jack.

"There's all kinds of interesting stuff," Jack said as he adjusted his glasses. "It's really worth a read."

"Alright. I'll skim through it later," I said.

"Why are you answering Ivy's questions?" Maya asked Jack. "She's just going to mock us, just like she did when we were all alive."

"I know, but she's one of the few people we know around here," Jack said. "I'm not going to go and introduce myself to random strangers, so I might as well get to know the people who I was at least acquainted with before. Did you two know that there's a list of all of the reincarnations that your soul has been through?"

"No," Maya and I said in unison.

"You should check it out." Jack grinned. "I'm actually a reincarnation of Albert Einstein."

"Really?" I said.

Jack took out his phone and entered in the password. I looked over and saw that Jack's home screen was a picture of the TARDIS. He clicked on the FAQ app and clicked on a few things before showing Maya and I a list of some of his recent reincarnations.

Rolen Yakovlev (May 27th, 1777 - June 1st, 1798) 

Barak Karim (February 28th, 1804 - May 5th, 1869)

Albert Einstein (March 14th, 1879 - April 18th, 1955)

Jin Jeong (July 7th, 1964 - December 30th, 1992)

Jack Snyder (September 26th, 1999 - November 14th, 2016)

"So you really are a reincarnation of Einstein," I said. "Cool." I immediately took out my phone and opened up my own list of reincarnations to see if anyone famous was on it. Unfortunately, I didn't recognize any of the names on my list.

Maya was back to listening to whatever stupid emo music she listened to. "Is it wrong to wish that the members of My Chemical Romance were dead?" she asked. "Because now even if they do get back together, I'll never be able to see them live!"

"You really need to work on your priorities," I commented.

"You really do," Jack said. "You shouldn't be wishing death on anybody, much less your favorite band."

"You don't understand!" Maya exclaimed. "I just want to see MCR live! I would do anything for that!"

Jack rolled his eyes. "You're crazy," he said. "How are you that obsessed with a band?"

"And you're a hypocrite," Maya replied. "Remember what happened two years ago when your dad wouldn't let you go to Comic Con?"

"But I got to go to the one in Montreal with Henri last summer," Jack stated.

"I know. You're so lucky," Maya said.

"I remember you talking about that," I said. Jack was in my English class the year before, and he wouldn't shut up about how he was going to visit his boyfriend in Montreal. Everyone thought that Jack was making that up, but apparently it was real, since Henri moved to Cedar Creek for junior year.

"I was really excited," Jack explained. "Henri and I had been pen pals since sixth grade, and we had been Skyping every week since eighth grade, but we hadn't actually met in real life."

"I suppose that makes sense," I said. "So what are you planning to do until they call us?"

"I would read, but I don't have a book," Jack said.

"Couldn't you just download a few eBooks onto your phone?" I asked.

"I prefer paper books," Jack said. "Especially new ones. I love the new book smell."

"That's just weird," I said.

"No it's not!" Jack exclaimed.

"It kind of is, but whatever," I said. "What's your favorite book?"

"I have to choose?" Jack said. He thought for a while before saying, "Probably The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Or maybe More Than This by Patrick Ness."

"I read The Book Thief for school, but I've never read the other one," I said. "What's it about?"

"I can't tell you," Jack said. "It would spoil the brilliance. What are your favorites?"

"I don't really read that much..." I started.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Jack shouted. "Why am I still talking to you?"

"But I do like Divergent," I finished.

"I read that," Jack said. "The whole trilogy was pretty good, but the first book was the best by far."

"I agree," I said.

"I hope there's a bookstore in Heaven...or Hell, if I end up there," Jack said. "There are so many books that you need to read."

"I'll make sure we do that when we get there," I said.

"Now serving Number 374!" I heard. "Number 374, please come to the front of the room! Number 374! To all others: remember that numbers may be called out of order. Number 374!"

"I hope we get called soon," I said.

"Me too," Jack said.

"Me three!" Maya said. "I hope we get to join the Black Parade after this."

"For the last time, the Black Parade's not real!" Jack said.

"It's real to me," Maya said. "And don't you dare say that Frerard isn't real. Frerard is more real than you."

"Yes Maya, we know," Jack said.

"I still don't get why you like this 'Frerard' thing," I said.

"Stop being such a bitch, Ivy," Maya said.

"Leave Ivy alone, Maya," Jack said. Maya just put her headphones back in and started working on her fanfiction again.

Somehow, I had finished having an entire conversation with the two people that  I never would have considered speaking to back at Millard Fillmore High School, but I suppose that beggars can't be choosers.

"Now serving Number 377!" I heard. "Number 377, please come to the front of the room! Number 377! To all others: remember that numbers may be called out of order. Number 377!"

I slumped back into the chair and hoped that I would be released from this hell soon.

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