Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

I thought the next day would be equally uneventful. In fact, I thought that the entire rest of my afterlife would be this dull. I was trapped here for the next five years, with no chance of escape. It seemed like a miserable existence, but I would just have to deal with it. In all honesty, the afterlife wasn't that different from life on Earth.

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I slowly got up and opened it, and to my surprise, I saw Maya. "Hey Maya," I said groggily. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you," she said.

What could Maya possibly want from me? I wondered. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"A few things, but mostly I want to apologize," Maya said.

"What do you want to apologize for?" I asked.

"A lot of things," Maya said. "I know that I've bothered you a lot, especially when I insulted your cat, and I'm sorry for that. Your cat is still irritating, but it's not a demon. Demons are far worse than that, and I know that now, so I'm sorry."

"I guess I'm sorry too," I said. "I shouldn't have harassed you about your fanfiction last night."

"Both of us still have another year before we turn eighteen and can move out, so let's just try not to annoy each other for that year," Maya said.

"That sounds great," I said.

"It sounds good to me too," Maya said.

"I'm glad we can agree on something," I said.

"So am I," Maya said. "I can't promise that we'll be friends though. You did say that Forbidden Love was stupid."

"You said the same thing about my music taste," I said.

"Your music taste is stupid," Maya said.

"Didn't we just agree not to do this?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh right," Maya said. "We did. Sorry. There's one other thing I wanted to say though."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Thank you for helping me get away from those demons," Maya said. "My soul would have been destroyed if it wasn't for you."

"You're welcome Maya, but you should also thank Henri, Raj, and Jack," I said. "They deserve credit too, even if Jack totally blew our cover when we were trying to get into Hell."

"What did Jack do this time?" Maya asked.

"We were trying to sneak through the door into Hell, and he couldn't resist blurting out another completely irrelevant fact," I said.

"That is such a Jack thing to do," Maya said, laughing. "I've known him since I was five, and he's always been like that."

"He didn't do bad of a job navigating us through Hell though," I said.

"Jack's a pain sometimes, but he's useful to keep around," Maya said. "Besides, Jenri is adorable!"

"Can you please shut up about Jenri?" I said.

"But it's my OTP!" Maya exclaimed.

"I thought your OTP - whatever that is - was Frerand or whatever," I said.

"First of all, it's Frerard," Maya corrected. "Second, Frerard is my other OTP. I love Jenri, but Frerard is perfect too. Gerard and Frank are obviously in love with each other, and I can't believe that my fellow My Chemical Romance fans are so blind to their undying passion."

"That's because their 'undying passion' probably doesn't exist!" I exclaimed.

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY OTP?!?" Maya screamed. "Frerard is more real than you, Ivy!"

"I'm sorry, Maya," I said. "I won't insult your OTP again."

"It's okay, Ivy," Maya said. "I shouldn't have gotten so worked up. It's just a ship. A VERY IMPORTANT AND TOTALLY REAL SHIP!"

"I get it," I said. "Frerand is real."

"It's Frerard," Maya mumbled.

"Whatever," I said. "Does it really matter?"

"Yes!" Maya said. "Yes it does!"

"Why do you care so much?" I asked Maya.

Maya didn't seem to have a good answer for that one. "Uh...I don't know," she said. "Because Frerard is real?"

"You've said that three times already," I noted.

"Maybe if I repeat it, you'll remember it," Maya said.

"I don't think that's going to work," I said.

"It might," Maya said. "You never know."

"You know, maybe we could go shopping sometime," I said. "That would be really fun."

"Yeah, as long as we stop at Hot Topic," Maya said.

"I think we could fit that in," I said.

Maya smiled. "This actually sounds like a great time."

"I'm glad you think so," I said.

"So can I go listen to Fourth of July now?" Maya asked.

"I don't even know what that is," I said.

"It's a Fall Out Boy song," Maya said. "I can sing it for you. IT WAS THE FOURTH OF JULY! YOU AND I WERE, YOU AND I WERE FIRE, FIRE, FIREWORKS!!"

"Please stop," I said, but she kept singing. She eventually walked back to her room, and I started to get ready for work. I was strangely proud of my new friendship with Maya. Maybe it was a little premature of me to call it a friendship, since it was still a bit shaky, but I was proud of it nonetheless. Hopefully, this would bring an end to all of the arguing, and I could enjoy Heaven at last.

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