Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

The rest of the week passed without too much excitement. The Celestial Post did end up writing an article on Maya's return from Hell, and Adam was right. It was an easy assignment.

On Saturday, Maya and I decided to go shopping. Maya wouldn't shut up about how she couldn't sleep in the wake of Saturday (or something like that), which I figured was just another reference to another emo band. I asked her about it, but she then proceeded to play the song that she had referenced, which only caused me to retreat back into my bedroom. Even from my room, I could still hear Maya's music, so I turned on some of my own music. However, it's nearly impossible to drown out Fall Out Boy with Ed Sheeran.

I briefly wondered why I had agreed to this in the first place, but then I remembered my agreement with Maya. We were stuck together until Maya turned eighteen, so we might as well make the best of it. Besides, I was getting a shopping trip out of this.

It was nearly noon by the time we got out the door. Maya had taken forever in the shower, which didn't help. I was already irritated with her when we walked out the door, which wasn't a good sign for the rest of the day. "Where should we go first when we get to the mall?" I asked Maya.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we go to Hot Topic at some point," Maya said.

"Fine, we can go to Hot Topic," I said. "Can we go to American Eagle first though?"

"Absolutely not," Maya said. "Does that even exist in Heaven though?"

"I don't know," I said. "I suppose we'll see when we get there."

We passed by the bookstore that Jack took me to when we first got to Heaven, and approached the mall. When we got there, I opened the door for Maya, and we both entered the building. I found a map on the wall, and started looking it over.

"Hot Topic is on the second floor," Maya said. "It's across from Shoe Mania."

"What's Shoe Mania?" I asked.

"It's the most popular shoe store in Heaven," Maya said. "Unfortunately, there does not appear to be an American Eagle in here. Maybe nobody bothered to recreate them in Heaven..."

"But there's an Abercrombie!" I exclaimed. "We should go there!"

"Poor Fitch," Maya mumbled. "He keeps getting forgotten."

I ran off, and Maya reluctantly followed me. We stopped at several stores that I liked, including Abercrombie and a few other stores that only existed in the afterlife, like Heavenly Outfitters. Maya didn't bother to try anything on. Instead, she just listened to music on her phone while I looked at clothes. I ended up buying a couple of new pairs of shorts, a blouse, and a pair of flip-flops. "Where should we go next?" I asked, hoping that Maya wouldn't mention Hot Topic.

"Let's go eat," Maya said. "I'd like some food."

"I don't feel like eating," I said. "Can we just get ice cream?"

"I haven't eaten lunch yet!" Maya complained. "Besides, I need to rest. All of this shopping is making my feet hurt."

"You're just making excuses," I said. "We're in Heaven! You literally can't feel pain, so your feet can't hurt!"

"Well, I'm sick of walking around," Maya said. "Let's go to the food court and sit down."

"Fine," I said. "We can go to the food court." Maya and I walked to the food court. I ended up getting a sandwich and a cookie, and Maya got a slice of pizza. The sandwich was surprisingly good.

"So can we go to Hot Topic after this?" Maya asked.

"Why do you need to go to Hot Topic?" I asked. "You go there every day. You literally work there!"

"Because it's Hot Topic!" Maya exclaimed. "It's my emo temple!"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I said. "We'll visit your so-called 'emo temple.' Just don't take too long. I'd like to get home before it gets dark."

"Okay," Maya said as she stuffed the last bit of pizza in her mouth and rushed towards the escalator. I followed her, and we both went up to Hot Topic.

I should have known that Maya would take three hours looking around Hot Topic. Most of the time, it didn't even seem like she was browsing. She spent twenty minutes talking to one of her co-workers, and spent several more just listening to the music playing in the store. It felt like a waste of time to me, especially when there wasn't anything that I wanted at Hot Topic, but Maya seemed to be enjoying herself.

Eventually, I managed to drag Maya out of the store. It was getting late, and I wanted to get out of there. Maya complained quite a bit, but I shut her up by buying her some CD that she wanted, a decision that I knew I would regret later.

On the way out, I did spot something that interested me. It was a nail salon, and I definitely could have used a manicure. "Hey Maya!" I shouted. "Let's go in here!"

"I don't like having my nails painted," Maya said.

"Come on!" I said. "I'm sure they have black!"

"Well, I guess black would at least match everything in my wardrobe," Maya said as she slowly entered the salon. We both picked out our bottles of nail polish. I chose a nice shade of turquoise, while Maya picked black and silver.

"What's the silver for?" I asked Maya.

"It says here that they can do lettering," Maya said. "I was thinking of getting black and then I can have 'Fall Out Boy' painted on my fingers in silver."

"Oh okay," I said. "I'm getting a manicure and a pedicure, both in turquoise."

"Ugh, that's going to take forever," Maya complained.

"Hypocrite," I argued. "Your Fall Out Boy thing is going to take forever."

One of the employees at the salon called us over, and we ended up in chairs that were right next to each other. I leaned back, and noticed that the chair was surprisingly comfy. Thankfully, my pedicure didn't take too long, and it looked pretty good. I figured that it would go really well with my new flip-flops.

Once my mani-pedi and Maya's manicure were done, we waited for it to dry. My manicure dried faster than my pedicure, so I took out my phone, and saw that I had a ton of new messages on Angel Wings. At first, I thought that they weren't important, but I opened up the latest one anyways. That's when I realized what all of the fuss was about.

Oboetastic: Ivy, where are you?! The demons are back!! 

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