Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Once again, Jack, Maya, Henri, and Raj had invited me to another one of their hangouts. They had decided to meet up at the park again, and I decided to tag along. Sometimes I felt bad intruding on their time together, but it wasn't like I had a lot of other people that I could hang out with.

"Did you really have to come, Ivy?" Maya asked. All of them were laying out on the grass. It was a nice day, even considering that this was Heaven and every day was nice. The sky was bright blue and contrasted with the emerald green of the grass in the park.

"Raj said that I could come," I said.

"I did say that," Raj said. "Maya, please don't bother Ivy. She's our friend too."

"Fine," Maya grumbled.

"I've been thinking about something," Jack said.

"You're always thinking about something, Jack," Henri replied.

"I'm always thinking about you, that's for sure," Jack said as he gave Henri a quick peck on the lips. "But that's not the point."

"What were you thinking about then?" Raj asked.

"Rebirth," Jack answered. "It's kind of scary, really. My entire next life is going to be left entirely to chance."

"That is scary," I said. "We could all starve to death in our next life."

"There's about a 10% of any one of us starving to death in our next life," Jack noted. "That's actually really scary."

"Can I just skip rebirth?" Raj said. "I wouldn't mind staying here forever."

"Nobody does that," Henri said. "Life is more fun than death."

"What's the chance that you and Henri are going to be together again?" Maya asked. "Jenri forever, right?"

"Astronomically low," Jack said. "It's unlikely that we'll even meet in the next life."

"So we have to make the most of what we have now," Henri said as he held Jack closer.

"It's not impossible though," Maya said.

"Not impossible, but it's highly unlikely," Jack said. He looked over at Henri with a mixture of sadness and fear, and Henri continued to cling onto his boyfriend.

"Jack, what is the probability that I'll be an American this time?" Henri asked.

"Why would you want to be an American?" Jack said. "Canada's so much better."

"You were in America," Henri said.

"Okay fine," Jack said. "There's about a 4.3% chance that you will be born in the United States, and a 0.19% chance that we'll both be there. That doesn't mean anything though. The United States is a big country."

"That's not too bad," Henri said.

"Let's be honest, Jack," Raj said. "China has the largest population out of any country in the world. We're all going to end up there, and you're a nerd, so you're probably going to like it."

"I'm not!" Maya exclaimed. "I read an article that said that gay fanfiction is illegal in China! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!"

"There's an 18.7% percent chance that any one of us is going to end up in China," Jack stated. "Actually, let's just break this down by continent. There's a 59.8% chance that we're going to end up Asia, about a 10% chance that we'll be in Europe, a 0.54% chance we'll end up somewhere in Oceania, a 16.1% we'll end up in Africa, an 8.63% chance we'll end up in South America or the Caribbean, and a 4.9% chance we'll be in North America again."

"So we'll all be Asian," I said. "Good to know."

"Well, it all depends on statistics," Jack said. "This is all completely random."

"It would be nice if we could all be together again," Raj said.

"But it's unlikely," I argued.

"Unlikely, but possible," Raj said. "Rebirth still scares me though."

"Me too," I said.

"Well, we still have another five years here," Jack said.

"Five years isn't a long time," Henri said.

"It's enough," Jack said.

"This is a depressing topic," Raj said. "Let's talk about something else."

"What should we talk about?" Henri asked.

"Hockey?" Raj suggested.

"J'ai pensé que nous avons accepté que je ne sais rien au sujet du hockey!" Henri said. "Alors, nous ne devrions pas lui parler!"

"What did he just say?" Raj asked.

"I thought that we agreed that I don't know anything about hockey, so we shouldn't talk about it," Jack translated.

"Oh okay," Raj said.

"How about Doctor Who?" Jack suggested. "Are you guys all caught up on the afterlife episodes yet?" The four of them started talking about Doctor Who, while I laid on the grass. I still felt alone in the afterlife, but this was better than nothing.

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